Chapter 166 Meeting Parents and Calling Mommy (8)
Ji Pulin didn't know what to think, but he also laughed.

"Sister-in-law, call quickly, my mommy is very generous, if you call out, you want the moon that lasted that day, and my mommy can also fly a spaceship to pick it up for you!" Gu Yanxi feared that the world would not be happy Chaos, followed by booing.

Everyone looked at Ji Ruo amusedly, waiting for her to speak.

Under the table, a pair of warm hands covered the back of Ji Ruo's hands. It was strange that Ji Ruo suddenly gained confidence.Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gu Nuoxian's serious face, even more nervous than her.Ji Ruo was determined to take this step.


The sound of "Mummy" was a little stiff, but the people present were all quiet, because they saw the person who made the sound turn red-eyed.Ji Ruo didn't know why, she just wanted to cry, Mommy... What kind of person would her Mommy be?

Ji Pulin patted Ji Ruo's hand, comforting silently.On the left side, Gu Nuoxian's grip on her hand increased, one left and one right, giving her comfort and strength.One is the person who will accompany her to the future, and the other is the person who will bring her from the past to the present. They are the most important people in her life.

Inspector Gu took a deep look at the daughter-in-law, and upon receiving the gaze from his lover beside him, Inspector Gu coughed lightly, with a cold handsome face. "Why didn't you call me?" Tan Gu's voice was cold, and as soon as he said this, the embarrassment in the box disappeared instantly.

"Daddy." Ji Ruo called Daddy much more easily.

Tan Gu hummed, and the lover beside him gave him a satisfied look.Immediately, Gu Sanshao's tail almost went up to the sky.

But at this time, in the room behind the screen, two pairs of eager and forbearing eyes were always looking at the delicate and beautiful girl in white on the screen.When she saw that Ji Ruo was about to cry because of a mum, Lai Changxi also almost broke down and cried.

Ji Xuanyu hugged her silently, with a look of sadness on his face.

How sad, the daughter is getting married, and the parents can only hide in the dark and look at her quietly.


"Then, the wedding will be held in half a month, okay?"

When the meal was coming to an end, Ms. Su finally brought the topic back to the point.Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian nodded fiercely, Ji Ruo looked at him like that, and instantly thought of an animal called a pug.

Ignoring his son's gaffe, the Gu family all looked at Ji Pulin and Ji Ruo, after all, they were the main characters.During the meal, Ji Pulin had already seen that the Gu family was satisfied with Ji Ruo, and Gu Nuoxian's child, although his personality was extreme, was very kind to Ji Ruo from the bottom of his heart.

Marrying his daughter to the Gu family, he is very relieved as a father.

Ji Ruo quietly looked at Father, Ji Pulin took a sip of white wine, but squinted his eyes and didn't speak.Ji Ruo was taken aback, Dad was bought by the Gu family for a meal?

"Ruoruo, what do you think about the wedding in half a month?" Among those present, Master Wei Nuo was the most active and excited.Ji Ruo could hear the uncertainty and apprehension in Gu Nuoxian's tone, as if his heart had been punched, he couldn't bear to refuse.

"…it is good!"

Her promise made everyone in the Gu family burst into laughter.

After the family dinner was over, Gu Nuoxian personally sent Ji Pulin home, and the two drove home.Along the way, he couldn't wait to make several overseas calls. For the first time in so many years, Master Nuo lost his composure on the phone.

Soon, his close friends all knew that he was going to get married, and they all decided to put down all the arrangements at hand, and flew to City C to watch Gu Nuoxian's wedding.On Ji Ruo's side, only Luo Tong and Zhu Tong were notified.

A week before the wedding, Ji Ruo and Luo Tong met to go shopping in the mall.Luo Tong wanted to buy a gift for her personally, the two of them went shopping for a long time, and finally Ji Ruo fell in love with a watch.

(End of this chapter)

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