S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 169 Wedding Rose Applause Accompanying You

Chapter 169 The Wedding Rose Applause Accompanying You (3)
You Ze's words were like pouring a basin of cold water on his head.

The anger in Dick's eyes gradually dissipated, but he was still very unconvinced, "I don't care! Just sit and watch him happily get married like this, I'm not happy!"

You Ze took a sip of his coffee, and his expression was so determined that it surprised people. "Don't be afraid, there is a bomb we planted by his side. As long as the time is right, we will be able to catch his vital points."

"Bomb? Who is that bomb?" Dick was startled, gearing up, his eyes full of excitement.

You Ze curled his lips mysteriously, and his brown eyes were slightly cold. "Just wait, you'll know later."

You Ze walked to the balcony, he edited a text message, thought about it, and sent it anyway.Ji Ruo was taking care of her skin in a beauty salon, when her phone rang, she opened it, and the letter was from a Ghost Rider who had rarely been in contact with her.

——Ji Ruo, what are you doing? I'm back in China. If there is a chance, can we meet?

Ji Ruo turned around in her mind quickly, and she replied: I'm doing beauty care, sorry, I'm a little busy recently, I'm afraid it's inconvenient.Ji Ruo put down her phone and thought to herself, only a fool would run to meet fans in such a stupid way.

When Youze received the text message, his brown eyes flashed, and he edited a new text message and sent it.

—Do you really want to marry him?
Ji Ruo bounced off the bed suddenly, the mask fell off because of too much movement.Ji Ruo stared at the six shortened words on the phone, and suddenly his back felt cold.

--Who are you?

——When you meet, you will know.

Ji Ruo quickly calmed down, she thought quietly for a long time, and finally replied a word.

--it is good.


When Ji Ruo arrived at the coffee shop, it was close to dusk. At this time, there were few people in the coffee shop, and the lyrical music was still singing. Ji Ruo glanced at the coffee shop, and his pupils shrank suddenly.In the corner, she saw a man in a blue T-shirt sitting behind a coffee table for two.

The man raised his head as if he had sensed it, and when he saw the dazed Ji Ruo, he calmly waved at her. "here!"

Ji Ruo walked towards him with stiff steps, and she heard the beating of her own heart.Although this man is a soldier, Ji Ruo feels very uncomfortable.

"What to drink?" You Ze handed the coffee list to Ji Ruo, but Ji Ruo looked at him with serious eyes, and replied coldly: "How can I be sure, will you poison my coffee? ?" The sarcastic tone and cold pretty face did not make Youze angry.

Ji Ruo felt that he had been cheated, what three-year guardianship, what ghost knight, all fucking bullshit!

In Ji Ruo's subconscious mind, if Gu Nuoxian is a tiger and cheetah, then the person in front of him is a poisonous snake.Lurk in the dark, find the right moment, bite the key, and kill yourself!You Ze pursed his lips and smiled, his brown eyes were tolerant, he ordered a cup of mocha coffee for Ji Ruo himself.

"Tell me, is it your intention to approach me?" Ji Ruo looked guarded, and his tone was really not good.

Holding the coffee cup in his hand, You Ze sighed helplessly. "Ji Ruo, don't be nervous. I'm sitting here today, not as Major Youze, but as Ghost Rider. You don't have to worry about it. I'm really your fan. Believe it or not, the truth is That's it."

When You Ze said this, his face was frank.Ji Ruo looked at it suspiciously, his face was calm, it really didn't look like he was lying. "I'm sorry, I don't believe it." The suspicion in her eyes faded, but she still didn't dare to let go of her guard easily.

"The fact is, if you don't believe it, I can't help it."

(End of this chapter)

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