S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 171 Wedding Rose Applause Accompanying You

Chapter 171 The Wedding Rose Applause Accompanying You (5)
"You didn't answer my phone, and you came here to meet other men behind my back, Miss Ji, I have enough reasons to suspect that you are having an affair." Just when Ji Ruo didn't know what to do with this thing, a familiar voice came behind her.

Ji Ruo turned her head, and saw Gu Nuoxian rushing over in a hurry.On his body, with the light of the afterglow of the setting sun, his whole body exudes a starlight.Ji Ruo suddenly wanted to hug him, and in fact, she did.

Gu Nuoxian, who was hugged, was a little surprised, "What's wrong?" He hugged the person in his arms back, his heart that was a little annoyed because Ji Ruo didn't answer the phone softened at this moment.

Ji Ruo shook her head in his arms like a rattle. "how did you find me?"

"I put a tracker in your body." He placed the latest advanced tracker developed by DS on Ji Ruo's body. Once this tracker is put into the human body, it will always work, no matter what He can find her accurately.Unless she took out the tracker herself.

"When did you put it on?"

"That night in City B."

City B?Ji Ruo raised her eyebrows, "Which night? Why can't I remember?"

Ji Ruo raised her head from his embrace, and met Gu Nuoxian's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling. Ji Ruo suddenly thought of something, "Were you really in my room that night?" She thought that night was just a dream she had, Damn it, he kissed her that night!

Entering a single woman's room in the middle of the night, it really is a bandit!

Ji Ruo was furious, Gu Nuoxian frowned.

"You haven't told me yet, who are you here to meet?" Gu Nuoxian passed her and saw the box on the table, a little surprised. "Sit down, I want to tell you something." Ji Ruo sat down again, and Gu Nuoxian also sat down.

Ji Ruo opened the box and found a pair of diamond stud earrings inside, very simple style.The earrings looked no different from ordinary earrings. She handed the box to Gu Nuoxian and said, "Check it out and see if there are any bugs or monitors installed in it."

Gu Nuoxian was puzzled, and checked it carefully, "There is no problem, just a pair of ordinary earrings." However, he was more concerned about another matter. "Who sent it?" Master Nuo frowned, feeling very uncomfortable.

Ji Ruo looked at him carefully, she obviously didn't do anything, but she felt guilty.

"Tell me, who sent it?" Gu Nuoxian's eyes were a little cold, and he looked at her coolly, with a dangerous tone.

Ji Ruonu pursed his lips, and replied coldly: "You Ze."

The cold eyes suddenly opened, and almost instantly, Gu Nuoxian's peaceful breath rose instantly, and every air hole in his body was opened. "Did he hurt you?" Gu Nuoxian seemed to have been pulled out of the scales, with a fierce and dangerous aura.

One hand, covering Gu Nuoxian's right hand.

The soaring arrogance suddenly disappeared, Gu Nuoxian was silent for a moment, and covered the back of Ji Ruo's right hand with his left hand. "I'm just worried about you. Youze is my old opponent. He wants to catch me and eliminate harm for the people. I'm worried that he will hurt you. Ruoruo, promise me that you will never get close to that person."

The genuine concern in the man's eyes made Ji Ruoqiao's face warm.She nodded seriously, looked into his eyes, and promised, "I promise you." That man was dangerous to look at, and she really wanted to stay away from him.

"How did you know each other?"

Ji Ruo thought about it, concealed the scene of meeting You Ze for the first time, and said: "I met you in the hospital. His uncle was in the same ward as my father, and I met him a few times. The ghost knight before was him. I was also in the hospital. I just found out today that he is Ghost Rider."

(End of this chapter)

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