Chapter 18
Shaking her head, Ji Ruo blushed and said, "Gu Nuoxian, I want to take a bath, can you..." Before she could say a word, Gu Nuoxian got up and walked into the forest. Then he untied his clothes and walked into the creek.

Although the cold river water is cold, it has washed away the tired and tired heart of the past few days.

Gu Nuoxian stepped on the green grass on the ground with one foot and looked up at the blue sky. He didn't stop trampling on the grass until he heard footsteps behind him.Turning around, he glanced at Ji Ruo lightly, her clothes were already soaked wet, and the wet clothes wrapped her exquisite and uneven body, which was very attractive.

No matter how attractive a woman is, in Gu Nuoxian's eyes, she is like a tree stump, there is really no temptation at all.

Going up the river, the air is getting wetter and the temperature is getting lower and lower.Ji Ruo followed behind Gu Nuoxian shirtless, her walking posture looked timid, she was cold.Passing by a thorn forest, there are more than a dozen red fruits growing on the thorn bush.

The fruit is the size of a quail egg, looks bright and bright, and looks delicious.Ji Ruo sneaked a glance at Gu Nuoxian, took off two fruits and threw them into his mouth to taste while he was not paying attention. The fruits were sweet and delicious. For Ji Ruo at this time, this fruit is a delicacy in the world!
It's a fucking explosion of character to taste such delicious things in such a poor place.

There was no movement behind him, Gu Nuoxian frowned and turned around, only to see Ji Ruo standing beside the thorn forest eating alone, enjoying himself. "Eating random things without knowing what they are, aren't you afraid of losing your life?" Gu Nuoxian clasped his arms around his chest and said in a cold voice.

Ji Ruo shrugged, "I'll die anyway if I go out with you, it's better to be poisoned to death by this delicacy." As she spoke, she threw the last fruit into her mouth, smashed her tongue, and then licked it with her alluring little tongue. After licking, there are still delicious double petals.

Contempt flashed in his eyes, he couldn't appreciate this kind of foodie.

Tonight is the fourth night that Ji Ruo has lived in this shitty forest.

What I ate tonight was wild crucian carp, even if it was eaten raw, Ji Ruo thought it was delicious.Compared with rabbits and pheasants, this fish is simply the best, and the faint fishy smell is ignored by Ji Ruo.

After not sleeping for a long time at night, Ji Ruo woke up from the heat.When she woke up, Gu Nuoxian was still looking at the sky, and Ji Ruo nuo walked up to Gu Nuoxian, she raised Gu Nuoxian's hand under Gu Nuoxian's surprised eyes, the man's hand had just touched Ji Ruoxian The forehead was startled.

Frowning, Gu Nuoxian was silent for a while, and said in a firm tone, "I have a fever."

"Am I poisoned?" Ji Ruo said that he was not afraid of death, but in fact he was so scared that he was about to cry.Gu Nuoxian withdrew his hand, and he pulled off Ji Ruo's upper body coat as if thinking of something, "What are you doing?" Ji Ruo was stunned, and a look of sullenness climbed onto her face.

Gu Nuoxian stretched out two fingers to touch Ji Ruo's wound, feeling his hand touching his own wound, Ji Ruo became quiet.

"It's not poisoning, it's an inflammation of the wound."

"It was fine two days ago."

"It should be because of taking a bath at noon." Gu Nuoxian took advantage of the moonlight to find a few clumps of herbs and crushed them with his teeth, and then applied the herbs to Ji Ruo's wound in a not-so-gentle manner.The thing that bandages Ji Ruo's wound is still the all-purpose sanitary napkin.

Ji Ruo looked at his wrapped wound, and asked curiously, "Gu Nuoxian, do you understand everything?" After simply getting along for a few days, Ji Ruo felt that this man was like Baidu Encyclopedia. There was nothing he didn't know, only Ji Ruo couldn't think of it.

Gu Nuoxian glanced at her, and that mouth turned into a golden mouth again.Noble and quiet, Ji Ruo has never seen a more indifferent and noble man than Gu Nuoxian. "I know there's something you don't understand."

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, Gu Nuoxian was aroused by her words. "what?"

Smiling triumphantly, Ji Ruo said, "People's hearts."

Hearing this, Gu Nuoxian snorted lightly and stopped talking.His haughty reaction didn't discourage Ji Ruo, "I mean the heart of a woman." Women are the most incomprehensible creatures in the world, and no matter how capable he is, Gu Nuoxian doesn't have that ability.

Obviously, her words surprised Gu Nuoxian. "You are wrong. A woman's heart is easy to understand, but only the heart of a loved one is difficult to understand." It is not difficult to guess just a woman, but it is not so easy to understand the heart of a loved one.

Ji Ruo was startled, staring at Gu Nuoxian with suspicious eyes for a while, she suddenly realized that he was a man with a story.

(End of this chapter)

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