Chapter 182 If a person is ruthless, pork is not as good as pork (8)
Ji Xuanyu patted Gu Yanxi's shoulder, "Go back, he's just like this, just get used to it."

"You know him well?" Gu Yanxi walked back while talking to Ji Xuanyu.


"He!" Subconsciously, Gu Yanxi didn't want to call that magnificent man his uncle.Ji Xuanyu paused, and he corrected a question seriously, "Gu Yanxi, he should call him uncle, not him."

Gu Yanxi didn't speak, Ji Xuanyu was helpless, and then said: "I have known him for many years, before you were born at that time, he was a little tempered in the early years, after so many years, he is afraid He has lost all emotions and desires a long time ago. Don't be angry with him, if you are angry, he may not take you seriously."

When Gu Yanxi heard Ji Xuanyu say that about that person, he actually felt that he was cruel. If that person was really like what Ji Xuanyu said, how could he come to officiate the wedding ceremony for his elder brother. "Okay! I don't want to hear it anymore!" Gu Yanxi interrupted what Ji Xuanyu hadn't finished speaking, trotted back to the previous seat and sat down.

At this time, Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian had finished dancing, and the fire of the bonfire was reduced. Gu Yanxi picked up a piece of unburned firewood and drew around in front of his eyes.Perhaps he didn't even realize that what he drew with firelight was that person's face.

After dancing with Gu Nuoxian, Ji Ruo went back to the room and went to sleep. After everyone fell asleep, Gu Nuoxian returned to the bedroom.When he found that Ji Ruo had fallen asleep, he was so discouraged that he wanted to scold his mother.

He thought, he had to find a chance to deal with Andre well, what a rare and good opportunity, but he ruined it.

On the wedding night, Master Nuo held his bride in his arms, and he felt aggrieved sleeping.

Three days later, the three of Pei Renrong returned to Russia.

After Xu Mo'an stayed at Song Yu's house for a week, he was urged to go back by his subordinates from country M.

The most pitiful thing was Gu Nuoxian. After the wedding, no matter what he hinted, Ji Ruo always pretended to be ignorant and never let him be presumptuous again.Master Nuo is 1 unhappy if he can't have his wife.

Ji Ruo's vacation was over, and the crew resumed filming again. As a model worker, Ji Ruo left Nuo Ye as a matter of course and devoted himself to the work.Although Master Nuo was quite dissatisfied with this, he didn't say anything to her.

Ji Ruo's marriage was not announced to the outside world, and the entire crew knew that only Luo Tong, Zhutong, and Ji Xuanyucheng knew that she was married.After this wedding, the relationship between Ji Ruo and Ji Xuanyucheng became much closer. Ji Xuanyucheng clings to Ji Ruo, the big sister, whenever he is free, and often brings some good things to the set for Ji Ruo to eat.

On this day, Ji Ruo's crew ushered in a special visitor——

Ling Fei.

Seeing Ling Fei take out the special love lunch prepared for Wu Yue, Ji Ruo knew that Ling Fei liked Wu Yue.

Ji Ruo didn't have the slightest affection for Ling Fei. Although they had worked together in the same play, Ji Ruo could not forget that she tripped her up when she recorded Jiaying's symposium last time.Thinking about it this way, the last time Ling Fei tripped her was probably related to Wu Yue.

Ji Ruo shook her head, thinking, all men are evil!

Ling Fei came with a dining car, and the whole crew was naturally very happy when someone invited them to dinner.Zhutong bought Ji Ruo the dishes from the most famous Monn—House restaurant in C City, so naturally she would not eat Ling Fei's meals again.

Ji Ruo went to the bathroom after eating.When she lowered her head to wash her hands, Ling Fei actually followed her in.

She closed the bathroom door as soon as she came in, and Ji Ruo frowned at her. Ling Fei was wearing a white blouse today, a pair of blue jeans on her lower body, but she was wearing a wide knitted hat on her head, April day wearing a knitted hat, It's really different.

(End of this chapter)

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