Chapter 184 The Treaty of the Gu Family (2)
The man was wearing an iron-gray suit, with flaxen-colored slightly long hair stuck to the back of his head. He had a slender body and was a very outstanding man.

Luo Tong stared at that person, his eyes and face were full of anger and... hatred?Ji Ruo raised her eyebrows in surprise, tugged at Luo Tong's arm, and reminded in a low voice, "Sister Tong, calm down." Ji Ruo didn't know what entanglement Luo Tong had with that man, so she just looked at Luo Tong and that man Looking at him, as if wanting to eat his flesh and drink his blood, it is not difficult to imagine how deep the entanglement between the two is.

With Ji Ruo's reminder, Luo Tong regained some sanity.She raised her head and took a sip of champagne, curled her lips and said, "Do you know who he is?"

"Could it be Ying Mei's manager?" He has been standing beside Ying Mei, protecting her from drinks and socializing, so it should be her manager without a doubt.Luo Tong nodded. She was leaning against the wall with her hands crossed, her eyes hurt, like a trapped animal licking blood.

"That man's name is Du Ziming, and he's a well-known gold broker. He used to be my senior in college, and he's also mine..." Luo Tong raised his eyelids and glanced quietly at the man who was able to cope with the crowd, with a lonely expression on his face, " It was also my first love."

A crack appeared on the cold face, Ji Ruo was slightly shocked. "First love? You and that person used to be lovers?" Ji Ruo was shocked. Looking at Luo Tong's painful appearance, it was obvious that this first love had caused her deep hurt. "What happened between you?"

There were so many people around, Luo Tong pulled Ji Ruo out of the arena.

The two came to the balcony outside the banquet hall. There were two rows of chairs on the balcony, and the two sat down on the bench that was not easy to be noticed.Ji Ruojing accompanied Luo Tong, waiting for her to speak on her own initiative.

Luo Tong didn't drink a few sips of wine, but his heart was drunk, and he was completely drunk, just like the blind pursuit of love in those years when he was blind.

Luo Tong had a painful and gloomy face, Ji Ruo paused with his palms in the air, and finally hugged Luo Tong into his arms. "It's all over, and it's useless to regret and regret now, sister Tong, look up and look forward, don't be sad anymore."

Ji Ruo's voice was clear and shallow, calming Luo Tong's inner anger like a handful of spring water.

"Tell you a story."

Luo Tong wiped his face and raised his head again, how could there be any hurt look in his eyes?Ji Ruo frowned, hummed, and pretended to be listening carefully.

"Du Ziming is the same as me. He studied at the School of Communication in college. We met at the cultural evening in our sophomore year. At that time, he was full of talent and handsome. He easily captured my favor. We fell in love , The relationship has always been very good, he once said to me that he would accompany me to Baitou." Hearing this, Ji Ruo immediately understood who the man Luo Tong said was abducted on the wedding night.

"In his junior year, he entered the entertainment industry and became Yingmei's assistant. At that time, Yingmei had just debuted, young and beautiful. She actually fell in love with Du Ziming, and Du Ziming also gave birth to a child during the day and night with Yingmei. Love. While promising to grow old together with me, he holds Yingmei in his palm like a treasure."

"One day, Yingmei met a big boss at a dinner party. The big boss fell in love with her and asked her to be his mistress. Yingmei naturally refused, and Du Ziming couldn't bear to let Yingmei be ruined, so..." Luo Tong Burying her head deeply between her legs, she put her hands in her hair, and her whole body was filled with sadness.

Ji Ruo's face changed, and he guessed the follow-up.Ji Ruo heard himself take a breath, and then asked Luo Tong with trembling lips: "So... what did he do?" Ji Ruo's fingernails almost dug into his flesh.

Luo Tong suddenly sobbed, she still lowered her head, only buzzing words reached Ji Ruo's ears. "That day, I happened to be graduating from university, so I went to KTV with my classmates. I can't hold alcohol very well, and I got drunk after drinking two bottles of beer..."

(End of this chapter)

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