Chapter 2
The man ran out of the elevator and watched helplessly as his beloved luxury car was driven out of the parking lot by a strange woman!What's more, the woman driving the car not only didn't panic when she saw him, but also boldly blew a kiss to him, and then walked away!

The car roared away, leaving a man with a dark face standing in the parking lot, gnashing his teeth!

"Song Yu! Launch a city-wide arrest warrant!"

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, the whole city of C fell into silence. The crowded intersection during the day is so clean that even ghosts feel deserted at this moment. The traffic lights are still conscientiously sticking to the intersection. When the red light is on, a white Bentley Mu Shang ignored the dazzling red light, and the people in the car stepped on the accelerator to increase the speed to the highest.

"Yo ha!" The car shuttled madly through the dead of night city center at an average speed of 340 miles per hour, and the woman in the car couldn't help whistling excitedly.It's bad luck for that brat to provoke her!

At the same time, a group of people who were supposed to be dreaming in the quilt were awakened from their dreams by a furious phone call. They got up quickly and used force to surround the entire city C in an airtight iron cage!
Sitting in a dilapidated Santara, the woman wearing a gray backless dress and a black top hat was flipping through the new fashion magazine published by Philo Magazine, but those beautiful almond eyes did not blink for a moment. Staring at the men in black on both sides of the road.

Those men in black glanced sharply at the young girls walking back and forth, and the ones who attracted their attention were all beautiful girls in long white dresses with long black hair.Recalling last night's experience, the woman couldn't help curling her lips into a triumphant smile.

Damn boy, how can you be patient with me if you have a lot of people?Is it different for my sister?

"Ji Ruo, tonight you are going to attend the wrap-up banquet of the movie "Sakura Fallen", and the day after tomorrow afternoon you are going to participate in a public welfare event, and next Tuesday, you will go to city B to attend the "Sakura Fallen" press conference. If you have private matters, you must stagger the time. Delayed business."

Assistant Luo Tong saw the smug smile on Ji Ruo's face, and thought she was proud of playing the third female role. "Ji Ruo, to survive in this circle, you must not be complacent." Luo Tong is a woman in her early thirties. She is wearing a standard black suit and her long hair is tied into a simple bun at the back of her head. As an assistant for more than ten years, she has witnessed the rise and fall of superstars.

Working hard in this circle, being impatient and complacent, complacency is a big taboo.

Ji Ruo stared at the assistant's deep gaze, "Don't worry, Sister Tong, I will pay attention." She couldn't tell Sister Tong what she did last night, she didn't want to frighten the innocent Sister Tong.

"Ji Ruo, Director Lin has a youth movie. Sister Li has read the script and said that it is quite suitable for the current trend of the domestic market. Whoever can win the heroine will definitely become a new generation star. She is planning Tell Zhen Yue to audition, why don't you try too?" Ji Ruo seldom competes with others for roles, and Luo Tong has no hope for this matter at all.

"Let Zhenyue go, I'm not interested in these things." Ji Ruo closed the magazine, Qingcheng's face was still calm and indifferent.Hearing this, Luo Tong secretly thought that it was true, and couldn't help but sighed softly. "Ji Ruo, how is your father?"

"It's still the same."

"Director Wang is going to make a costume drama recently. You also know that the recent Gongdou costume drama is very popular. According to reports, the casting of that drama is coming to an end, and there is only one villain missing. I inquired about the remuneration for that character. Quite a few, but because the role is too unpleasant, it was rejected by many small stars."

(End of this chapter)

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