S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 20 Escape from the Precipice

Chapter 20 Escape from the Cliff (2)
When his eyes touched Gu Nuoxian's face, I'll fuck you if I look at it again, Song Yu quickly stopped. "Master Nuo, are you okay!" Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes, Song Yu immediately lowered his head and dared not look at him, "Do I seem to be okay?"

Song Yu nodded quickly, Gu Nuoxian's face became even darker when he nodded.Seeing this, Song Yu quickly shook his head again, Gu Nuoxian snorted coldly, so he didn't bother with him. "Help me up!" Song Yu obediently bent over to help Gu Nuoxian up, and there was something wrong with Gu Nuoxian's walking posture, Song Yu's eyes suddenly became ruthless. "Master Nuo, are you injured? Are those bastards chasing you?"

"Hmph!" Glancing at Song Yu, Gu Nuoxian said coldly, "They care about me more than you."

Song Yu: "..."

"Master Nuo, where are you hurt?" Song Yu stared worriedly at Gu Nuoxian for a few times, and Gu Nuoxian waved his hand: "That woman must not have gone far, find me! Find it for me!"

Song Yu was startled, and immediately understood who the woman he was talking about was.It must be the woman who asked her master to go into the sea.

At this time, on the edge of a cliff about 200 meters high, there stood a girl with a messy appearance and a messy breath. This person was Ji Ruo.Glancing coldly at the tumbling river and waterfall below, Ji Ruo glanced at the path 30 meters away.

A tractor was parked on the path, and the man heard Ji Ruo's call, and kindly waited for her there.This is the only way to be saved. As long as you cross the valley with a height of more than 200 meters, you will be saved.

Ji Ruo clenched her hands into fists, her teeth were already fighting because of fear, Ji Ruo couldn't swim, if she accidentally fell, her life would be lost.After struggling in his heart, Ji Ruo became ruthless and decided to fight it out.

Taking out the rope shooter in the backpack, Ji Ruo pressed the switch, the rope shooter pierced the air with a sharp whistling sound, and then stabbed hard into a big tree, pierced the big tree, and hung it firmly.After tying this end to the tree trunk, Ji Ruo threw the guns collected by Gu Nuoxian in the bag into the river. After thinking about it, he still kept one for self-defense.

The weight of a hundred catties was hung on the rope, and he crawled towards the opposite side little by little.

The farmer on the trail watched Ji Ruo's death-defying action, and his palms were sweating nervously.There are still 15 meters, there are still 14 meters, there are still 13 meters...

Hearing the rumbling sound of the waterfall below him, Ji Ruoxin was twisted into a ball. "Ji Ruo, don't look down, don't look down, don't look down..." Hypnotically warning himself not to look at the river below, Ji Ruo moved cautiously, and the distance shortened again, only six meters left.

Ji Ruo was overjoyed, so he couldn't help speeding up his crawling speed. Suddenly, he heard the farmer yelling something, Ji Ruo's hand slipped, and he fell towards the waterfall like a stone. "Gu Nuoxian, I'll fuck your ancestor!" Ji Ruo shouted in a panic, not for saving his life, but for his cruelty towards Gu Nuoxian.

The rope at the back swung past Ji Ruo, and Ji Ruoyun grabbed the rope with all his strength.With a swing of the rope, the woman was blocked by the rope like a sparrow on the opposite stone wall.

The sound of flesh hitting the stone wall was loud, drowning out the sound of the waterfall.

Ji Ruo didn't have time to cry out in pain, his body bounced off by conditioned reflex, and hit the stone wall again, repeated this three or four times, and the rope finally settled down.Ji Ruo pressed against the stone wall tightly, the bright red and warm blood gushed out little by little from her mouth, Ji Ruo took off her coat and looked at her poor waist.

The opening, about ten centimeters long, was slashed by a sharp stone wall. The blood instantly dyed Ji Ruo's gown red.Enduring the pain, with the help of the farmer above, he climbed up little by little.

Five minutes later, Ji Ruo was finally safe.

Sitting on the farmer's tractor, Ji Ruo took out a piece of sanitary napkin from his bag to plug the [-] cm wound, and then rushed towards their village under the leadership of the farmer.Sitting inside the tractor, Ji Ruo looked up at the sky with her pale face. The clouds were white and the sky was blue, which was quite beautiful.

After looking at the sky for a long time, Ji Ruo suddenly broke into a grin. "Gu Nuoxian, curse you for giving birth to a son without an asshole! You can't even be gay!"

(End of this chapter)

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