215 Chapter 7 Love is originally a heart-to-heart relationship ([-])
The man in front of him had a gentle face, he was completely different from the man before him, could it be that it was really just a dream of his own?

Ji Ruo was confused.

"Miss Ji, don't tell me you've turned into a fool when you fell asleep?" Gu Nuoxian put his hand to his mouth, and laughed slightly.His hoarse laughter was very pleasant to hear, Ji Ruo approached him barefoot, and suddenly hugged him very hard.

Gu Nuoxian was a little surprised, even to the point of being flattered.

"Gu Nuoxian, I just had a terrible dream."

Ji Ruo's small face leaned against Gu Nuoxian's chest, her voice was still cold, but there was a touch of nostalgia.Gu Nuoxian's whole body softened, he touched Ji Ruo's head back and forth with his big hand several times, then let her go, and asked fondly, "What dream did you have?"

"I dreamed that I was packing my suitcase for a business trip. You thought I was going to leave you. You got angry and smashed the window and threw my suitcase out of the window. You also threatened me that if I dare not speak up I will leave you as soon as I say hello, and my fate will be the same as that suitcase." Ji Ruo's eyes were still a little sleepy, and after she finished speaking in a daze, the smile on Gu Nuoxian's face deepened.

"Dreams are the opposite, don't think too much. I'll serve the meal first, you go wash your face, put on your shoes and come down to eat. I'll wait for you."

"it is good."

Gu Nuoxian lowered his head and kissed his relative Ji Ruo on the cheek, then turned and left.

Watching Gu Nuoxian walk towards the other end of the corridor, the smile on Ji Ruo's face subsided slightly, dreams are different from reality, how could she not be able to tell the difference.The moment she woke up just now, she did have the urge to rush downstairs to accuse Gu Nuoxian, but when she saw the repaired glass and the ground that was so clean that there was no debris, she remembered that Gu Nuoxian hugged Gu Nuoxian earlier. She walked to the broken window and put her feet on his instep, being careful not to let the glass scratch her.

My heart suddenly softened.

Then seeing the elegant and handsome man in white leaning against the door, looking at her dotingly with curved eyes, the grievance in her heart completely disappeared.That man might have been scary, but he was just as good-looking when he smiled.

Ji Ruo likes the way he smiles, if possible, Ji Ruo wants to keep his smile forever.

She understands that Gu Nuoxian loves her so deeply that he is worried that she will leave because of his deep affection.What right do I have to blame him? I promised that I would never leave him. It was only because he didn't get angry that she wanted to leave him completely.

Stepping on the soft carpet to the living room, recalling Ji Ruo's series of changes just now, Gu Nuoxian suddenly narrowed his eyes.He didn't believe that Ji Ruo would really think it was a dream. Smart people, once they figure it out, can always use the most perfect way to resolve the embarrassment and discomfort between each other.

"Ji Ruo, so you have an exquisite heart."

After the two of them had dinner, Ji Ruo suddenly proposed to go back to Ji's father's house.Gu Nuoxian didn't ask any questions, just nodded, and drove her to Ji Pulin's house.

This is the first time that Gu Nuoxian has come to their house. This low-rise urban village has grown old, and this kind of place is an area that Gu Nuoxian seldom sets foot in.At eight or nine o'clock in the evening, there were many grandpas and aunts sitting on the edge of the Shijiang River, but they didn't call Ji Pulin before they came.

Gu Nuoxian held Ji Ruo with one hand, and several bags of gifts in the other hand. When visiting the door for the first time, he must not lose his courtesy.

Listening to the most simple language, Gu Nuoxian saw a table and a stool under the big tree in front of him, and his father-in-law was still wearing the glasses he saw at the wedding last time, sitting under the big tree, while repairing lock, while humming an unknown old tune.

(End of this chapter)

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