S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 222 President Xiao An'an is a girl

Chapter 222 President Xiao An'an is a girl (4)
"Comprehensive body appraisal, all match. Dear Mr. President, please come in." Sen Leng's door opened in the middle, Gu Nuoxian stepped on the beige carpet, and walked towards the end of the passage step by step under the light of the light green wall lamp.

Stepping into the office, you can see a statue of an angel. Behind the statue is a set of off-white conference sofas.This office was originally the exclusive office of Gu Nuoxian's father, Gu Tan. Later, when Gu Tan retired, Ms. Su decorated it in a beige style, in the name of giving his son a comfortable environment.

As soon as Gu Nuoxian stepped on the floor of the office with his left foot, there was a rustling sound.Gu Nuoxian lowered his eyes, and cast his cool gaze across the robot that was only fifty centimeters high on the floor and looked like a potato.The robot's head is only the size of two fists, round in shape, with a nose and eyes.What's funny is that the robot has a blue Doraemon apron tied around its neck.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the robot, frowned and said nothing.

"Please enter the password for customs clearance, otherwise Xiaoan can only ask you to leave the master's house." A green light lit up above Little Tudou's chin, and a cold voice came from the pronunciation device in its chest.

Gu Nuoxian's lips twitched, and three black lines appeared on his forehead. "Ms. Su is a good mommy, gentle and kind, cute and beautiful, Nuonuo will love you forever." Gu Nuoxian read this passage with a straight face, his entire handsome face was dark.

He still remembers the scene when Ms. Su handed him small potatoes on the first day he took office.This fart big thing is the key to the entire 39th floor.If you want to enter his office, you must pass the two verifications at the entrance. In addition, you must personally check the pass code with Xiao An, otherwise, no human, god, pig or dog will be allowed to enter.

Once someone enters by force, they will be cut to pieces by the hidden weapons that have been designed in the entrance.In the event of a weapon attack, Xiaoan can even trigger the self-destruct device. At that time, the entire 39th floor will be blown up within five seconds.

Even Gu Nuoxian didn't dare to take this little potato lightly.

After receiving Gu Nuoxian's answer, Xiaoan took his hand out of his apron pocket, stretched out his robot hand, and made an OK gesture. "Good afternoon, President, it's been six days and... three hours since we last met. I haven't seen you for such a long time. Xiao An misses you!"

The corner of Gu Nuoxian's mouth twitched violently again. He was used to the meaty opening remarks every time he met Xiao An, but he still felt a chill all over his body.Gu Nuoxian walked to the desk and sat down, Xiao An followed suit and asked, "President, what do you want to drink this afternoon? Xiao An is a panacea, I can find a way to give you whatever you want..."

Leaning at Little Tudou, Gu Nuoxian narrowed his eyes and said, "I have a request."

"President, you said that it is Xiao An's great honor to serve you." Xiao An tilted her round head, looking simple and cute.

"Send yourself to outer space, and never come back." Gu Nuoxian took out a blue and white porcelain pen from the pen holder, pinched it in the palm of his hand and turned it repeatedly, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Can you do it?"

The green light on Little Potato's chin turned into a circle, indicating that it was thinking seriously, and after three seconds, Little Potato shook his head innocently. "I'm sorry, President, I can do anything else, but Xiao An can't do it."

"President, don't make things difficult for Xiao An'an... Xiao An'an is a girl, treat girls gently..." Little Tudou put his hands back in his pockets, and a blush appeared on his porcelain white and cold cheeks. "President, don't look at me like that, Xiao An is too embarrassed..."

Gu Nuoxian: "..."

He rubbed his forehead, hating Ms. Su's vulgar hobby in his heart, what would be wrong with sending him, but sending him an unscrupulous robot. "You'd better roll round, as far as you can!"

(End of this chapter)

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