S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 225 President Xiao An'an is a girl

Chapter 225 President Xiao An'an is a girl (7)
Chong'an's pupils shrank, and the faces of Jeff's two older brothers flashed in his mind. "What did his two brothers do?"

"That's right. I've met this person twice before. If I'm not wrong, the reason why he became disabled should be thanks to his two older brothers. Look at this person, he looks ugly, and he doesn't like the old president. Love, what is there about him that his two elder brothers would regard as a thorn in his side?"

Chong An was taken aback for a moment, he thought about it seriously, and asked uncertainly, "Could it be that he is too smart?"

"That's right!" Gu Nuoxian tapped his fingers between Jeff's brows, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, "This man is very smart, so smart that his two elder brothers have a sense of crisis, and even the old president treats him very well." Be afraid of three points."

"This is also the reason why Carlisle and Rick fought hard against Jeff, but the old president remained indifferent."

Chong An was puzzled, "A father, would he be wary of his own child?"

Gu Nuoxian glanced at Chong'an, his eyes stained with sarcasm. "Chong'an, you have an intelligent heart. You know that people's hearts are sinister, but you don't understand them well enough. In this world, some people's hearts are more terrifying than poisonous snakes and leopards. In a big family like the Lyell Consortium, brothers kill It's not surprising that father and son are not affectionate." Gu Nuoxian pushed his glasses, feeling grateful in his heart, "You have to know, after all, such a harmonious and united family like ours is rare in the world."

How lucky he was to grow up in such a family, his daddy and mommy are great, they gave them a harmless family.

Chong An seemed to understand and nodded, but he still had doubts in his heart, "Jeff can impress you so much with just a smart mind?"

Gu Nuoxian smiled inexplicably, his sharp eyes swept across Jeff's warm cheeks, and the smile on the corner of his mouth widened. "Chong'an, a person who was murdered by his brothers and shunned by his father can live in the world safely, and he can live happily. Don't you think this person is a little too powerful?"

"This man, I admire him very much." In Gu Nuoxian's eyes, there was a strong fighting spirit that only happens when you meet an opponent.Gu Nuoxian, who was invincible in the mall, finally met an interested opponent, how could he not be excited?

Chong'an saw the joy and excitement in Gu Nuoxian's eyes, and he suddenly smiled, which made Gu Nuoxian feel baffled.

"What? Weird?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that someone as proud as you would sometimes admire others." Chong'an held the document on the desk in his hand, his tone a little surprised.Gu Nuoxian smiled, "Chong'an, I am also a human being, of course I have people who admire me."

"Oh? Then in this world, who is the person you admire the most?" Most admired?Gu Nuoxian pondered for a while, and stretched out his fingers to show five fingers. "In this world, there are five people I have always admired."

"So many? Who are they? Tell me?" Chong'an was completely aroused by him. He pricked up his ears, like a student listening to a teacher.

"The first one is my mommy. I admire her because she gave birth to a very powerful me. The second one is my daddy. He is a man who is truly admirable because he surrendered to my mommy. Mi. The third one is my Uncle Ji Xuan, he has the wonderful medical skills of rejuvenation. The fourth one is my father-in-law, he is a man who would risk his life for his daughter."

"Who is that fifth person?"

"The fifth person is an old opponent who has given me headaches for many years." That old opponent has been fighting against him for more than ten years, and there is only one final outcome for them, either you die or I die!
"It turns out that there are people who give you a headache. What's your name? Tell me and let me worship you." Chong'an gloated.

(End of this chapter)

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