S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 238 Ji Ruo Peel the Crabs for Me

Chapter 238 Ji Ruo Peeled Crabs for Me (10)
Gu Nuoxian let go of her hand and stood up slowly. The high altitude of 1.8 meters looked down at the low altitude of 1.7 meters. Gu Nuoxian asked with interest: "Tell me."

Ji Ruo took off the hat on his head, put it on Gu Nuoxian's head, and felt dissatisfied, then turned the tip to the back of Gu Nuoxian's head, then clapped his hands, looking at his masterpiece with satisfaction. "Gu Nuoxian, if you make your debut, you will definitely be stronger than Senior Ye." Ji Ruo looked infatuatedly, admiring his delicate and outstanding face.

Gu Nuoxian smiled lightly, always doting on her watching her wantonly on him. "I don't like acting."

"Then why did you found Yanuo Entertainment?" Ji Ruo asked casually, but Gu Nuoxian remained silent.The man crossed his arms and looked at the distant coastline, lost in memory. Ji Ruo quietly stood beside him, his feet rubbing the sand in his sandals all the time.

"Some people have dreams, and I want to be the one who helps them realize their dreams." He was quiet for a long time, and gave Ji Ruo a very great answer.Ji Ruo was obviously suspicious, she squinted her glasses and said, "I don't believe it."

Gu Nuoxian sneered, "It's funny, I don't believe it myself." If that person wasn't her, he would definitely not do such silly things.Seeing the self-mockery on the man's face, Ji Ruo suppressed the corners of his mouth to sneer, and said, "Now I believe it."

"Why do you believe it again?"

Gu Nuoxian looked down at her, the girl had a smile on her face, which made him feel relieved.

"Because I am the one who has dreams, and you are the one who helps me realize my dreams." Ji Ruo stretched out her little finger to hook Gu Nuoxian's hand, and said to him seriously: "I haven't spoken to you yet. Thank you."

"Thank you? If you mean signing your Yanuo Entertainment, then you are thanking the wrong person. It's not my attention. It's Junran who likes you, not me. Thank you, and you should thank me too." Him." Under the silver moonlight, Gu Nuoxian's eyes were as deep as the sea, he held back the hand of the girl beside him, and said silently in his heart: I should also thank Junran, it was him who brought you to me.

Ji Ruo shook her head, "I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about Sister Tong."

Gu Nuoxian was taken aback for a moment, and then understood, "Then you don't have to thank her, Luo Tong is also capable and capable. It's a pity to be buried, but she should be discovered. How far can she go in the future? It's not something I can control, everything depends on her."

"You haven't told me what you mean by the three chapters of the covenant." Hearing Gu Nuoxian's words, Ji Ruoxi blinked, his almond eyes were deserted and tinged with cunning, Gu Nuoxian was a little curious when he saw this , "Tell me, I can think about it."

Ji Ruo raised her head, her apricot eyes gleamed with determination.

"First, you can't always lose your temper with me. I don't like people who are uncertain."

"Second, you are not allowed to threaten me again. You know, no matter how much I like you, I will be afraid if I am threatened by you."

"Third, you must tell me everything you have done for me in the future. What I need is an honest husband, not a white lotus flower that silently pays." Ji Ruo glanced up and down After taking a few glances at Gu Nuoxian, he changed his description, "Well, I don't need a male white lotus."

Gu Nuoxian: "You said that I am a white lotus?" His affection for her was summed up by her words of white lotus.Master Nuo felt that he didn't marry a wife, how could a wife be so heartless?
"Hahaha!" Ji Ruo herself thought it was funny, she couldn't stop laughing, her eyes were stained with tears. "Gu Nuoxian, promise me, okay?" With tears in his eyes, Ji Ruo looked at Gu Nuoxian, his smile gradually subsided, but his tears became more and more hazy.

The delicate red lips were pursed together, Gu Nuoxian's deep eyes looked at the tearful Ji Ruo, his eyes became very focused and affectionate. "If you promise me that you will face anything you encounter in the future, you will never run away from it, and you will always be by my side, then I promise you."

"As long as you are by my side, I will correct my violent temper, and I will never speak harsh words to you again, let alone lie to you." Sorry, if hiding it in good faith can make you happier, then I still choose to hide.

"Gu Nuoxian, I promise you, I will never leave voluntarily." Ji Ruo wiped away tears, and raised her little finger towards Gu Nuoxian. "We pull the hook, the one who defaults, loses the other forever."

Gu Nuoxian narrowed his eyes coldly, and he stretched out his palm to wrap Ji Ruo's fist and little finger, "It's in my heart, the hook is nothing."

(End of this chapter)

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