S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 245 If you are hunted down, please live on

Chapter 245: If You Are Chased, Please Survive (7)
Ji Ruo turned pale, fell on the car seat, and vomited wildly.

Gu Nuoxian didn't have the slightest discomfort, and when Hei San's skull splashed around just now, he just frowned.He is used to seeing life and death, so he can naturally face everything without changing his face.

"It's bad."

Gu Nuoxian's voice came faintly from the front seat.

Ji Ruo snorted weakly, then vomited.

"Ruoruo, I'm sorry, I might..." The hand holding the steering wheel was a little pale, and Gu Nuoxian's eyes fluctuated, "I may not be able to take you home." Gu Nuoxian's cold gaze He was full of reluctance and helplessness, how he wanted to grow old with her forever...

"Don't...don't say you're sorry..." Ji Ruo straightened up while supporting the chair, she tried not to look at the poor Hei San, "I'm in the car, am I going to be your bondage?"

With dark eyes, Gu Nuoxian didn't answer.

"Let me get out of the car." Ji Ruo's voice became a little firmer, Gu Nuoxian's face changed, "What do you think of me? You are my lover, I can't abandon you!" Gu Nuoxian turned around and glared angrily. she.

Ji Ruo raised the corners of her lips, and under the lights in the room, she smiled very charmingly.

"Gu Nuoxian, I can't be your right-hand man, I'm sorry." Ji Ruo wiped the brains and blood from her face, and her voice was not loud but clear again in the car: "But please don't let me Become your obstacle and burden, Gu Nuoxian, let me get off the bus." Her existence will be his bondage.

She went down and gave him a chance to give it a go, maybe he could survive.

Turning her cold eyes, Gu Nuoxian refused to answer.

"Gu Nuoxian, is the sea below here?"

Gu Nuoxian frowned, "What are you going to do?"

"Gu Nuoxian, if we can live this time, I will tell you all the secrets I have hidden." Ji Ruo smiled brightly. She kissed the man's side face and said softly, "I seem to be in love with you." You are dead, so please make sure you survive!"

Ji Ruo opened the car door suddenly, and jumped into the cliff under Gu Nuoxian's furious and panicked eyes.

Let's hope she lands in the sea with this jump instead of hitting the rocks.

"Ji Ruo!"

A panicked roar came from the man's mouth, his heart was beating wildly, but he lost his life.Staring at the dark cliff with red eyes, Gu Nuoxian took a deep breath and shouted, "Ji Ruo, you must not die!"

Looking up again, the man's eyes are no longer despair and panic, but raging anger and madness.

This is the second time for her to jump into the sea, and every time, it has something to do with that man named Gu Nuoxian.

For the first time, in order to avoid his pursuit, she resolutely jumped off the cliff.At the moment she fell off the cliff, she thought that she couldn't die so bleakly.If she was going to die, she would have to pull a back, so she dragged the man off the cliff together.

Together they fell into the sea and began a nearly week-long jungle escape.She escaped once, and she saw the cruelty and ruthlessness of that person. He was always indifferent and expressionless, like when eating wild animals raw, like when killing people, even when he was asking for it from her body.

At that time, Ji Ruo was thinking, this man is so fucking cold, so inhumanly cold, so cold that it makes people feel cold.

Who would have expected that such an unreasonable guy would unconsciously, subtly and gradually occupy her heart.He is always violent, sometimes crazy and sometimes noble, sometimes infatuated and sometimes terrifying.

But in her heart, he is no longer just a cold machine, he also has a heart, anger and joy.He would cook good dishes, hug her every night, be furious for her, and even kill someone for her.

(End of this chapter)

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