Chapter 258
All the smart people present, from the attitude of Ms. Su and Ms. Gu's family towards Ji Ruo, it is not difficult to see that they have a good relationship.It seems that this celebrity has a strong background, no wonder he became popular in a short period of time.

"Madam Gu, long time no see, you have become more elegant and charming."

Not long after arriving, someone came up to say hello.

The three turned around together, and saw Xiao Yunchen holding champagne.Ji Ruoduo glanced at the woman who was following Xiao Yunchen, and she casually glanced at the last reception, she didn't see clearly the true face of the legendary Miss An Xin who married Xiao Yunchen.

Now that they are getting closer, Ji Ruo has to admit that An Xin is indeed an elegant and intelligent beauty.

Received Ji Ruo's scrutiny, An Xin nodded and smiled at her politely, Ji Ruo also smiled back, and looked away, the two did not talk much.

"Young Master Xiao, among the younger generation, you are the most concerned about charity. If you can come tonight, I would like to thank you on behalf of those children." Tonight's charity banquet was held by Su Xi to raise funds to help the Southwest children in poor areas.

Facing Su Xi, Xiao Yunchen's attitude was very modest.The identity of Ms. Su in front of me is said to be very unusual. Besides being Gu Tan's wife, she seems to have other unknown powerful identities.Although Xiao Yunchen didn't know how powerful she was, he was still afraid.

Hearing what Su Xi said, Xiao Yunchen just smiled softly, and replied politely: "Where, children are the future of society. It is my honor to make some contribution to society."

Gu Nuoyan didn't want to listen to their nonsense, so she took Ji Ruo to leave together.

"What are you going to put up for auction tonight?"

Gu Nuoyan brought a cocktail from the bartender to Ji Ruo, and asked casually.Ji Ruo took a sip of the wine and replied, "I won't tell you!"

"Tsk tsk, so mysterious, it looks like you came prepared!"

Gu Nuoyan didn't ask much, the two went to the backstage to register the things they brought, and then went to the auditorium to find their own seats and sit down, waiting for the auction to start.

At a quarter past eight, the auction officially started.

The lights were dimmed, and the auctioneer stepped onto the stage and began to take out auction items one by one.There were hundreds of people participating in the auction, and when the bidders saw what they liked, they raised their placards and shouted the price.

"500 million! This lady offered 500 million. Is there a higher price?"

On the auction stage is an ancient white jade hairpin with a blue gemstone inlaid on it, which looks like a cultural relic.But the person who called for the price was Gu Nuoyan who was beside Ji Ruo.Seeing Gu Nuoyan raising the placard, the eyes of the people present rolled, and none of the people who knew the face continued to raise the placard.

"500 million once!"

"Four million twice!"

"Four million three times!"

The auctioneer struck three hammers in succession, and the ancient hairpin named 'Gu Yu' was auctioned off by Gu Nuoyan at a high price of 500 million.

"The auctioneer for the following auction item is Mr. Gu Nuoxian, President of Yanuo Entertainment." When the auctioneer said this, Su Xi and Gu Nuoyan were both taken aback. Only Ji Ruo remained calm as usual. Ms. Su looked at Ji Ruo asked her, "Is the auctioneer actually you?"

Ji Ruo nodded, a trace of genuine concern flashed in his eyes, "I want to do something for him, but my ability is limited, so I can only do more small things for him."

Ms. Su's heart warmed, and she loved Ji Ruo even more. "It's still your heart. That kid has done too many nasty things, so he should do something good." Ms. Su understood Ji Ruo's thoughts.She participated in the auction in the name of Gu Nuoxian, and the money from the auction will also be donated to charity.

She is doing good for Gu Nuoxian.

(End of this chapter)

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