S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 260 You and I Are Talking About Our Ass Relationship

Chapter 260: You are my boss and I am talking about a fart relationship (1)
Luo Tong personally drove to pick up Ji Ruo and sent her back home.

Looking at the four-story villa in front of him, Luo Tong was a little surprised. "The Gu family lives here?"

"Why, do you think it's too shabby?"

Ji Ruo opened the car door and walked down. When she turned around and saw Luo Tong's strange expression, she pointed her finger between her eyebrows. "Don't look at it, I think this is very good, the big manor castle is not good enough for appearance, what's the use of it."

"The four-storey villa may be a little small for the Gu family, but the Gu family's relationship is better than those of the families in the big manor." Ji Ruo withdrew his fingers and waved to Luo Tong, "Go back, drive slowly on the road , I entered the house."

With the wooden box shaking in his hand, Ji Ruo opened the door of the villa, and the handsome figure disappeared from Luo Tong's sight.Luo Tong sat in the car and thought for a while, then suddenly chuckled, "This Gu family is really different."

The house is very quiet, only Uncle Lin is doing the cleaning.

"Young Madam." Uncle Lin bowed to Ji Ruo, and continued to wipe the table.

"Uncle Lin, where are they?"

Uncle Lin raised his head and pointed upstairs, "The Eldest Young Master is resting upstairs. As soon as you left, the Second Young Master also went out. Mister drove to Mr. An's place after dinner."


Ji Ruo took two steps up the corridor, then turned around, "Did the young master have dinner tonight?"

"After eating half a bowl, I didn't eat anymore, saying that I have no appetite."

"I see."

Ji Ruoruo went upstairs thoughtfully, pushed open the door, and under the bright yellow light in the room, Gu Nuoxian obediently lay on the bed, breathing lightly.Ji Ruo walked to the bed and glanced at the plate on the small table that had not been removed. There were two meat dishes, one vegetarian dish, one bowl of pork rib soup, and one bowl of rice. The bowl of rice was only half eaten, and there was still half a bowl of soup left. The others hardly moved.

Helplessness flashed across Ji Ruoxing's eyes, she went into the cloakroom and changed into her home clothes, and then left the room with the dinner plate in hand.

After going downstairs, Ji Ruo walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and saw that there were still unfinished prawns, so he decided to make a bowl of fresh shrimp porridge for Gu Nuoxian himself.She turned on the stove to boil water, took out half a handful of rice, put the rice into the pot after the water boiled, and adjusted the heat to simmer.

Take out the prawns, add a little salt, cooking wine, and some pepper, mix well, and marinate in a small bowl.I just chopped a little ginger and green onion, and when the porridge was almost done, I poured the prawns into the pot, put two spoonfuls of salt and boiled it for a few minutes, then put it in a big bowl, sprinkled green onion, and served it myself building.

Pushing open the door and entering, Gu Nuoxian was still awake, Ji Ruo put the porridge on the bedside table, sat on the bedside and shook Gu Nuoxian awake.Suddenly awakened, Gu Nuoxian opened his eyes, and the cold light filled his eyeballs, which made Ji Ruo's heart skip a beat.

"Scared you?" Ji Ruo asked softly, looking at Gu Nuoxian, who was still not fully awake.

Hearing her voice, Gu Nuoxian's eyes cleared a little, he rubbed his eyes, and got up with Ji Ruo's support. "When did you come back?" Leaning against the head of the bed, Gu Nuoxian tickled the tip of his nose and smelled the smell of fresh shrimp porridge.

"It's been a while since you came back, why did you fall asleep?"

"Wait for you, if you don't come back for a long time, I will fall asleep." Gu Nuoxian's tone was very aggrieved as he stroked Ji Ruo's hair.He rubbed his stomach and said pitifully, "I'm hungry, I want porridge."

"it is good."

Ji Ruo handed the porridge in front of him, Gu Nuoxian looked at her, didn't speak, and didn't reach out to pick it up.

"Why, don't you eat? Did you say you were hungry just now?" Ji Ruo looked at him with puzzled eyes.Gu Nuoxian pointed at the porridge in her hand, feeling extremely wronged. "Hungry." Very hungry.Nuo Ye's tone seemed to be coquettish.

(End of this chapter)

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