Chapter 263 The Deathly Love of the Void Mirror (1)
When Gu Nuoyan returned home, it was already past two o'clock in the morning.

The villa was darkened by the dim street lights. Gu Nuoyan drove into the basement and punched the steering wheel, causing a piece of the solid steering wheel to be missing.

Looking at the red and swollen back of her right hand, the anger in Gu Nuoyan's eyes gradually quieted down.

Walking out of the basement, the street lights made Gu Nuoyan's figure long and thin.Pushing the door through the living room and preparing to go upstairs, Gu Yanxi's angry questioning voice suddenly sounded in the darkness:

"I'm not home in the middle of the night, where did you go for fun?"

After a pause, Gu Nuoyan glanced at the sofa in the dark, where Gu Yanxi had been sitting and standing for more than two hours.Gu Nuoyan pursed her lips, turned around and walked to the refrigerator, took out a bottle of ice water, and drank it with her head raised.

In the darkness, there was no hindrance to her movements, day or night seemed the same to her.

With a slam, the refrigerator door closed.

Gu Nuoyan raised her head, looking at Gu Yanxi's eyes that looked very dark in the darkness.

"Do you know that I've been waiting for you for a long time?" In the lazy voice of the young man, anger and worry were hidden.

With peach blossom eyes flashing slightly, Gu Nuoyan replied stiffly: "Who asked you to wait?"

Seeing Gu Yanxi blocking the way, Gu Nuoyan frowned, "Get out of the way, I'm in a bad mood right now." Gu Nuoyan glanced at Gu Yanxi, her gaze was extremely dangerous.Gu Yanxi hugged her chest and stood in front of her, not intending to dodge obediently.

"Your skin is itchy? Do you want me to loosen your muscles and bones?" Gu Nuoyan closed the lid of the water bottle, her tone was already very harsh.

"Do you really think I'm afraid of you?" Gu Yanxi snorted coldly, and quickly grabbed Gu Nuoyan's right hand.Gu Nuoyan frowned deeper, and she heard the young man in the dark scoff: "Is this playing self-mutilation?" Gu Yanxi raised the corners of his mouth, mocking with a smile.

A look of unnaturalness flashed across his face, Gu Nuoyan freed his hand from his palm, walked sideways around Gu Yanxi.

"You stop!"

Gu Yanxi was cold, his delicate and beautiful face was full of anger.Gu Nuoyan stopped walking as she said, she turned her head to look at Gu Yanxi, and a low and charming voice sounded: "Why, do you want to teach me a lesson? Yanxi, don't forget, I am the older sister."

Gu Yanxi choked on her words, opened his mouth and didn't reply for a long time.

"Is there nothing else to say? Then I'll go upstairs to sleep." Gu Nuoyan stretched her waist, her uneven body was alluring.After she finished stretching, she stepped on her high heels and walked upstairs. Seeing that her figure was about to disappear at the end of the corridor, the always dumb Gu Yanxi spoke again.

"Did you go to find Xia Zuo tonight?" The affirmative tone showed that Gu Nuoyan's every move tonight could not escape Gu Yanxi's eyes.

The footsteps stopped suddenly, Gu Nuoyan hummed, but did not speak.

"Go racing for a man, stay out of the house in the middle of the night, and even play self-harm! Gu Nuoyan, you are really good!" In the mocking tone, a slight concern can be heard. "Do you know how much Mommy and Daddy are worried about you when you play around like this!"

In the dark night, Gu Nuoyan's eyes darkened again and again.

"Stay away from Xia Zuo in the future, and if you are with him, you are playing with fire and setting yourself on fire! If officials and bandits get mixed up, you will be the only one who gets hurt." Gu Yanxi's tone was more helpless, he looked at Gu Nuoyan's proud and stubborn back, Finally, he sighed softly, "If you're just playing with him, then I won't say anything more. If you're serious, I'll be the first to disagree."

"Sister, we don't want to see you get hurt." The casual tone suddenly became extremely serious.After lightly saying these words, Gu Yanxi floated past Gu Nuoyan like a ghost, went upstairs and returned to her room.

(End of this chapter)

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