Chapter 266 The Deathly Love of the Void Mirror (4)
After getting Ji Ruo's autograph, the female fans' eyes turned red.

At the beginning, with the first signature, there will be countless signatures. Ji Ruo was busy for a while, and signed more than [-] photos in a row.Feeling that it was almost time, Luo Tong signaled Ji Ruo to enter the theater, Ji Ruo nodded, apologized to the fans, and stepped up the steps.

"Ji Ruo, can I sign your Ghost Rider?"

As soon as she stepped on the steps, the only mixed-race man in the crowd spoke Chinese with a perfect accent.

Hearing the words of Ghost Rider, the fan group immediately fell silent.They all turned their eyes to the person who spoke. You Ze was 1.8 meters [-] tall and stood out from the crowd of fans.Seeing Youze's handsome and profound face, the fans were taken aback. It turned out that Ghost Knight really looks so handsome, so handsome!

Ji Ruo looked at You Ze sideways, hesitation and struggle flashed in his eyes.


She always kept a respectful distance from this person.

Under everyone's gaze, Ji Ruo adjusted her smile, turned around and walked to the cordon.Holding the pen in her hand, she stared at You Ze's empty hand with cold almond eyes, and asked, "Where should I sign?"

You Ze pointed to his arm and said, "Here the blood vessels and heart are connected as one, please sign this place for me." You Ze smiled, and his smile was very contagious under the scorching sun.

Ji Ruo narrowed her eyes, it was hard for her to refuse in front of so many people.

Opening the cap of the pen, Ji Ruo raised his arm and signed the word "Ji Ruo" on You Ze's right arm.

"All right."

You Ze stared at the black lettering on his arm and smiled, and the word Ji Ruo was printed in his usually indifferent eyes.

In the grand theater, the stars are shining brightly, and the red carpet is spread all over the ground. A group of men and women stand on the high platform. Under the explanation of the host, they interact with the audience who came to watch the movie and the stars who came to join the show.

Lin Feitong is also here, she is dressed up very brightly today, a light golden long dress is worn on her beautiful body of Ping Ting, so beautiful that Ji Ruo can't help but be tongue-tied.She seemed to really like Ye Junran, and she kept staring at Ye Junran the whole time, without reservation.

Facing all the obsessive gazes that were staring at him calmly, Ye Junran stood in the center of the actors, interacting with the audience calmly.

Ye Junran is always the focus of the audience, Ji Ruo looks at the man who smiles calmly under the light and has a noble air, and secretly reminds himself: Ji Ruo, one day, you will become him.

It is Ji Ruo's wish to become the same existence as Ye Junran.

After the interaction, the media routinely conducted interviews. This time they interviewed and asked questions very politely, all of which were related to movies and filming.The hour hand points to 11:30, which indicates that after half a year, the movie "Virtual Mirror" is finally released.

When the word "virtual mirror" appeared on the big screen, Ji Ruo's calm heart rippled.

This is the first film she has participated in, and the virtual mirror is her first step in her career on the big screen. What kind of results this film will achieve is crucial to Ji Ruo's future career.Therefore, more than anyone else, she expects the virtual mirror movie to be a big hit at the box office.

Everything, just wait for the movie to be released nationwide and watch the final box office talk!

In the theater, the lights were dim, and only frames flickered.

When Ouyang, played by Ye Junran, killed Ziran in the corner of the abandoned dormitory, the ugly dumb girl made her debut. Under the flickering lights, the dumb girl was wearing a white skirt, and the ugly scars on her exposed thighs horrified everyone. It also makes them daydream.

Why did the mute have such serious injuries?
Why did the mute witness Ouyang's murder but not confess to the police?
(End of this chapter)

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