S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 278 I want him to give up unless he dies

Chapter 278 I want him to give up unless he dies (5)
She loved him so much that she was willing to be his mistress, and even had an abortion for him!
Fighting with Xiao Yunchen, Liu Yuebo lost all confidence.

Liu Yuebo suddenly went crazy, ignoring the passing vehicles, sprinted across the road, and walked towards the two people.Hiding behind a big tree about two or three meters away from the two of them, Liu Yuebo listened and heard the content of the conversation that made him even more disturbed.

"I'm going through divorce procedures with her recently."

Xiao Yunchen's voice was still murderous and gloomy.This man who has been in the dark for a long time will always make people fearful.Liu Yuebo was taken aback when he heard this, Xiao Yunchen divorced An Xin?

His complexion changed, and he looked at Luo Tong.

Luo Tong's dark eyes were rippling, these words really surprised her!

"Oh." All the surprise turned into a careless word "Oh."

"Tongtong, do you know why I want to divorce her?" Xiao Yunchen looked directly at Luotong's blushing face, he really wanted to hug her back in his arms and hold her in his palm so that he would love her.

A gleam of hope flashed in his heart, and Luo Tong felt frustrated for his heart that would still be touched by Xiao Yunchen. "Why should I know? From the moment you decided to marry her, everything about you has nothing to do with me." Luo Tong's voice was cold, without ups and downs, as if to prove that her state of mind at the moment was also the same.

Xiao Yunchen was in a hurry, "Tongtong, I love you! You know, I have always loved you! I am sorry for what happened back then, but I was also desperate back then. I didn't marry her. My company, everything I have Everything may turn into nothingness in an instant. Tongtong, now I have everything, but I have lost you alone..." Xiao Yunchen's eyes were filled with pain, "Tongtong, come back..."

Liu Yuebo behind the tree clenched his hands, feeling extremely nervous, facing the confession of his old lover, how would Luo Tong choose?

"Heh!" Luo Tong raised his head and looked at Xiao Yunchen with a funny expression, "Xiao Yunchen, are you lying to me by saying that? Five years ago you abandoned me for everything you desired, who can guarantee that you will encounter the same situation in the future , will you abandon me for the second or third time!"

Her accusation fell into Xiao Yunchen's ears like a sharp knife piercing his gut.How much he wanted to tell her loudly that I would never abandon you again, but he had already lost the qualification to answer like this.

"Xiao Yunchen, I said I don't want you, but I just don't want you."

"They are all adults, please show me the measure and boldness that adults should have." Luo Tong closed her eyes with contempt, facing Xiao Yunchen, she showed a relieved look for the first time. "Xiao Yunchen, it's been five years, no matter how deeply you cherish your love, it has been worn away by time."

It's been five years, no matter how deeply you cherish your love, it has been worn away by time...

Xiao Yunchen had an unbelievable expression on his face, his Tongtong loved him so much, how could he say such ruthless words so calmly, can the love that was once so engraved be wiped out by time?
"Tongtong, I don't believe it! I don't believe that you don't love me anymore." With both hands clasped on Luotong's shoulders, in the night, Xiao Yunchen's serious facial features were set off by those unforgettable memories.

Luo Tong looked at him calmly, deep in his eyes, he couldn't find a trace of nostalgia.

Those loves are past tense in her vitality. "Xiao Yunchen, let go!" Luo Tong stretched out his hand to push his hand away, the dull pain in Xiao Yunchen's cold eyes almost burned every inch of Luo Tong's skin.

A long sigh came out of Xiao Yunchen's mouth, he looked down at Luo Tong's face that had hardly changed, and whispered: "Tongtong."

(End of this chapter)

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