S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 28 3 Whip Female Man

Chapter 28
The female artist who played the role of the princess was about 1.6 meters five, standing in front of Ji Ruo, who was 1.7 meters tall, her momentum was a bit weaker.

Raising her eyes to stare at Ji Ruo, the little princess had a pretty face full of anger, waving the whip and covering her face. "A stinky walk-on is still pulling like this. You don't know the rules. I have to teach you a lesson today!" The whip ruthlessly slapped Ji Ruo.

Watching the whip swing towards Ji Ruo, some passers-by couldn't help but exclaim.

"God! Han Jiao really did it!"

Ji Ruo's hands that had been hanging down on both sides suddenly raised up, without blinking her eyelids, she grabbed the whip that was waving with precision.Seeing this, Han Jiao was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly pulled the whip back towards her.Ji Ruo snorted coldly, and with a little force on her right hand, she pulled the whip in Han Jiao's hand without any resistance.

"You dare to snatch my whip!" Han Jiao was furious, and anger grew in her eyes.

Ji Ruo held the whip in her hand, her tall and cold eyes, her pretty face turned cold in an instant.Seeing Ji Ruo's face change, the girl was taken aback for a moment, feeling terrified all the time. "What do you want to do? I warn you, I am Han Jiao, and my father is an investor in this TV series! You are just an extra, do you still want to do it?" Han Jiao straightened her chest, her self-confidence swelled, and she was determined Ji Ruo didn't dare to make a move.

But Ji Ruo refuses to accept this.

Han Jiao is crazy, she is more rampant than Han Jiao!
"Did your mother tell you that if you beat someone, you must be prepared to be beaten!" Ji Ruo opened and closed her red lips, and her cold words surprised everyone around her.Han Jiao was startled, and the people around her and the director who rushed over were also startled.

Ji Ruo didn't care who she was, he held the whip in his right hand and waved it. The whip screamed in the air, and the sound overwhelmed the momentum of the girl's attack.Snapped!Everyone watched the whip hit Han Jiao's thigh, Han Jiao's thigh bent, and she knelt on the ground, groaning.

"This whip is for your parents!" Ji Ruo looked at her condescendingly, without any fear in her eyes.

Snapped!Another whip hit the back of Han Jiao's hand, and everyone clearly saw that the back of Han Jiao's hand was swollen into bloody tofu. "This whip is to avenge myself!" Ji Ruo's face was full of frost, looking quite bluffing.

Just when everyone thought that Ji Ruo was going to stop, Ji Ruo suddenly raised his whip again, and the whip circled in the air and landed on Han Jiao's back again.


After the whip went down, Han Jiao finally cried out, and layers of mist filled her poor eyes.Ji Ruo coldly threw away the whip, staring at Han Jiao's face that was gradually distorted by the pain with eyes as cold as snow, and said in a clear voice, "There is no reason for this whip!"

Picking up the schoolbag on the ground, Ji Ruo turned around and walked out of the court.There is no way to stay in this place, Ji Ruo walked along with a cold face, everyone automatically made way for her and forgot to stop her.

Zhen Yue stared blankly at Ji Ruo walking towards her, her little hand subconsciously grabbed Li Wei, her body began to tremble. "You...what do you want to do?" Zhen Yue didn't even think that she would be afraid of Ji Ruo one day.

Hearing her trembling voice, Ji Ruo suddenly felt relieved.

The indifferent but frosty eyes looked deeply at Zhenyue, and Ji Ruo suddenly pulled the corners of his mouth into a wicked smile. "Zhen Yue, just wait, your end will only be worse than her." Ji Ruoyin speculated with a volume that only two people could hear.

With his back slung over his shoulders, Ji Ruo glanced at Zhen Yue again, and strode away.

(End of this chapter)

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