S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 282 Three Cups of Wine

Chapter 282 Three Cups of Wine Toast to the New Year's Peace and Longevity (2)
The reporters who were confused before suddenly understood what Gu Nuoxian meant.Zhao Ruozhou stared, with grievance in her eyes, if the other party wasn't Gu Nuoxian, she really wanted to go up and slap him twice!
"Mr. Gu, do you mean that Ji Ruo's acting skills are better than Zhao Ruozhou's?" the male reporter from Sand Beach News asked with a sarcastic tone. How blatant! Zhao Ruozhou is a powerful actor who has won the Best Actress Award at the Jingui Film Festival. Ji Ruo from your Yanuo family has never won any awards since his debut. Don’t you feel slapped when you say this? ?”

The cold tone and harsh words spread into the ears of every reporter. Some people heard the words and satirized them, but some remained silent, and some did not agree with his statement.In this circle, there are actors who have good acting skills and have not won awards.Ji Ruo's acting skills are not bad, anyone with eyes can tell that Zhao Ruozhou's acting skills are good, but as far as the performance in "Virtual Mirror" is concerned, she is really not as good as Ji Ruo.

Zhao Ruozhou felt a little more at ease when he heard the reporter's remarks.

She looked at Ji Ruo, her gaze was like the tip of a needle, it was so sharp that it made people feel cold.Ji Ruo watched his heart, pretended not to see Zhao Ruozhou's fierce gaze, but kept slandering Mr. Nuo in his heart, you really can find trouble for me!
Turning the ring paused, Gu Nuoxian's icy gaze turned away from the reporter who asked the question, and being watched by him, the male reporter's back turned cold, and then he realized that this person is Gu Nuoxian!Last year at the Peony Film Festival, the scene of this man kicking a certain reporter away was still vivid in his memory. There had been gossip rumors that this man was inextricably linked to the richest Gu family in C City.

Although they don't know the truth or falsehood, it makes them afraid.

The reporter lowered his head, not daring to make eye contact with Gu Nuoxian.

"Please don't distort the meaning of my words. I'm not saying that Ji Ruo's acting skills are better than Zhao Ruozhou's. What I want to say is that although we Ji Ruo has never won a trophy, it doesn't mean that her acting skills are poor! Although she has made her debut Four years, but it was last year that she really came into acting career. Maybe everyone has heard about the idol TV series "Youth Burning". In the drama, the supporting actress An Ran is the first role played by Ji Ruo since her debut. In the small-production movie "Luoying", the female number three, Luole, is Ji Ruo's first film."

"From An Ran to Yingluo, from Luo Le to Dumb Momo, everyone has witnessed how fast Ji Ruo's acting skills have improved in just one year! Nowadays, everyone is busy with self-hype, artists are getting less and less popular, public figures They have all been reduced to gossip, in such a pompous and dirty era, if you can find a second female artist who is more suitable to be an actress than Ji Ruo, I, Gu Nuoxian, will write the three words backwards!"

"Everyone can publish what I said today truthfully. Also, before the movie is released, please give us Ji Ruo some affirmation and encouragement instead of malicious speculation and slander. By the way, if I see you in the future We will never compromise on any media maliciously spreading untrue reports and damaging the image of our artists and the interests of our company!"

After Gu Nuoxian finished speaking, he turned off all the microphones, waved his hand, and said: "That's it, let's leave!" Then he exited the scene gracefully.

When he left, his back disappeared, and the reporters were still in a state of astonishment.

What Gu Nuoxian said just now, partly proves that Ji Ruo is a good actor, he believes in her ability, and also believes that she is qualified to play the role of heroine in a Lunar New Year movie.In the second half, they are threatening the media, Yanuo Entertainment will never show mercy if they dare to talk nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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