S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 285 Three Cups of Wine

Chapter 285 Three Cups of Wine Toast to the New Year's Peace and Longevity (5)
Gu Nuoxian nodded calmly, and asked, "What did you lie to me?" Ji Ruo suddenly stretched out her hands to hug his waist, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and let it go! "Actually, I knew you long before I signed into Yanuo Entertainment!"

Ji Ruo's eyes were still tightly closed, she was waiting for Gu Nuoxian's reaction.Gu Nuoxian looked at her for a while, then raised his eyebrows cooperatively and asked, "Oh? Really?"

"Aren't you going to ask me how I know you?" Ji Ruo opened his eyes, and saw Gu Nuoxian's handsome face, which seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and was slightly taken aback, "You..." Ji Ruo was surprised when he thought about it Ask: "You already know?"

Gu Nuoxian hooked his lips, and his smile became more and more evil.

"You stole my painting and my car, destroyed my car, dragged me into the sea, wandered into the virgin forest with me, and spent a period of time fleeing with me, um, at night we will still be there Love it. If you meant that, then I would have known."

His gaze changed slightly, and Gu Nuoxian said again: "If you mean that you approached me to marry me in the first place to steal the antidote to save your father-in-law, then I'm honored to tell you that I know it too."

If the first answer surprised Ji Ruo, then the second answer made Ji Ruo terrified.

She panicked for a moment and became bewildered.

"I didn't mean to lie to you." Ji Ruo lifted his head from Gu Nuoxian's arms, looked up at the man's cold eyes, unable to explain.Gu Nuoxian half-closed his eyes, carefully examining the girl in his arms.

Being looked at by him with the eyes of interrogating a prisoner, Ji Ruo felt uncertain for a while. "You keep threatening to kill me, and even sent people to search me all over the city. How dare I tell you the truth?" Ji Ruo lowered her head and muttered, "You are so fierce, who dares to tell you..."

Hearing her muttering, Gu Nuoxian just smiled helplessly.

"The second thing, why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

Ji Ruo's words were blocked, she opened her mouth and found that she couldn't speak.She was silent for a long time, and in the end she only wriggled her mouth and said three words with difficulty: "I'm sorry."

"Ruoruo, if you have never been tempted, would you steal the antidote to save your father-in-law, and choose to give up your husband's life?" A pair of brown eyes were deep and far away, and Gu Nuoxian looked at Ji Ruo with sharp eyes Almost to see through her soul.

All Ji Ruo's thoughts have nowhere to escape.Gritting his teeth, Ji Ruo nodded with difficulty. "meeting!"

Totally the expected answer.

Staring at Ji Ruo, Gu Nuoxian's whole body was wrapped in indifference.

To say that he is not disappointed is to deceive himself and others, Gu Nuoxian's heart is also made of flesh and blood, he will also compare gains and losses.Although the answer was expected, when Ji Ruo really admitted it, his heart was still bleeding.

The first time he married Ji Ruo, he was gambling, betting with his life!Fortunately, he won the bet.

Gu Nuoxian suddenly changed his indifferent attitude, he leaned close to Ji Ruo's ear and licked her earlobe, his ambiguous tone played wild in her ear: "I have been hiding it well, why did you suddenly decide to tell me?"

Goosebumps arose all over his body, Ji Ruobie twitched, and said, "I decided to tell you the secret I kept in my heart when I saw you suddenly appear in front of the media today to affirm me."

"I'm really sorry for using and concealing you from the beginning."

Gu Nuoxian smiled lightly, "As long as you say it, I will forgive you unconditionally. Ruoruo, the most indispensable thing between husband and wife is honesty. You must have used a lot of courage to tell me your hidden secret today. I am very happy, You have finally opened up your heart to me completely." He rested his chin on top of Ji Ruo's head, and his eyes were filled with infinite doting.

(End of this chapter)

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