S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 32 Wrong into the den of thieves

Chapter 32 I Wrongly Entered the Den of Thieves (2)
Gu Nuoxian nodded, threw away the towel, "buy some more fish." After finishing speaking, Gu Nuoxian closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa, with a strong aura that strangers should not enter, making Song Yu obediently leave the room.


Sitting alone in the huge office, Ji Ruo looked curiously at the handsome men and women passing by outside the window.

What will happen if Yanuo Company seeks her?

After sitting alone in the office for more than half an hour, someone pushed the door open and entered.A man in an iron-gray tailored suit came in. He was a good-looking man who looked to be in his early thirties.

"Ms. Ji, hello, I'm Wang Wutao, HR Manager of Yanuo Entertainment Company." The man stretched out his hand, it was a big hand with clear bones and yellowish complexion.

The man had a straight face, and Ji Ruo couldn't help but become serious with his meticulous and stern face.Stretching out his palm to shake the man, Ji Ruo tried his best to relax his facial expression. "Hello."

"Please sit down."

Ji Ruo sat down according to his words, then looked at the other man calmly, without saying a word.At the same time, Wang Wutao was also looking at her, so he was surprised. Although this girl's face was beautiful and moving, in this entertainment industry where there are many beauties, her appearance can only be regarded as outstanding.

What exactly does the president like about her?

Putting away the doubts in his eyes and looking at it, Wang Wutao smiled and got to the point. "This is Ms. Ji. As far as I know, Ms. Ji used to be a contracted artist of Feitian Entertainment... In my opinion, Ms. Ji has a beautiful face and good conditions in all aspects, so I am very curious, why did you get hired by Feitian Entertainment?" Entertainment Xuezang? Miss Ji, why did you take the initiative to terminate the contract again?"

Ji Ruo raised her eyebrows and glanced at Wang Wu Tao, not because she was dissatisfied with his words, but because she was surprised by this man's straightforward nature. "Manager Wang, I'm already sitting here, don't you know all the entanglements between me and Feitian Entertainment?" Ji Ruo smiled, but it made Wang and Wu Tao slightly stagnant.

After a while, Wang Wutao laughed in a low voice. "Miss Ji's temperament is unacceptable in the entertainment industry." A sentence that seemed to be a joke made Ji Ruo silent.

Why didn't she know that she offended many people just because she spoke frankly.

The two chattered here and there, and after a long time Wang Wutao took out a contract from the information bag. "Miss Ji, it's actually like this. I called you today because my company wants to sign Miss Ji."

Ji Ruo stared at the documents on the table, her cold eyes slightly surprised.sign her?This surprised her. "Manager Wang, I want to know the reason why your company is interested in me." Ji Ruo could not believe that the sky was falling.

"Because your unhurried temper is very rare in the entertainment industry. Our company does not lack good talents, but we lack talents."


When Ji Ruo walked out of Yanuo Entertainment Company holding the signing agreement, his mind was still in a trance.

She couldn't figure out how she was worth so much money.

1000 million!

Mommy, if one day she breaks the contract with the company, the liquidated damages will be enough for Ji Ruo to pay for most of her life!Ji Ruo sat in his dilapidated Santana, his mind was in a mess.

She always has the feeling that she has entered a den of thieves.


Ji Ruo wore a black suspender dress today, covered with a white thick-knit sweater, and a pair of light gray high-heeled shoes made her 1.7-meter tall stand out even more.Standing on a tall building, Gu Nuoxian watched her get into the old Santana car, her gaze behind the lens changed again and again.

Putting down the binoculars, Gu Nuoxian recalled Ji Ruo's back, he always felt that this person's back was very familiar.

It looks familiar, but I don't know where I saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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