S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 321 She Worth It

Chapter 321 She Worth the Sky-high Insurance Policy (4)
Ji Ruo stuck out her tongue and took a mouthful of ice cream, then shook her head lightly. "Don't check it, it's really all right." Gu Nuoxian looked deeply at Ji Ruo's actions just now, thinking of something, his eyes suddenly changed.

"Don't do this in front of me."

Hearing this, Ji Ruo looked at him in astonishment.The man's eyes didn't know when they became dark. Deep in the eyes, there seemed to be... desire.She thought about it carefully, and when she realized what the problem was, the roots of her ears suddenly turned red.

"Gu Nuoxian, do you want to eat an ice cream to quench the fire?"

He really should be cured.

Gu Nuoxian curled his lips into a smirk, "I won't eat it, you eat it, I'll just watch it. You look good eating ice cream." After he finished speaking, he wiped his lips with his fingers, expressing a meaningful request.

Ji Ruo: "..." She lowered her eyes to look at the half of the ice cream in her hand, and suddenly her mouth became uncomfortable.From that day on, Ji Ruo felt uncomfortable when he saw the stick-shaped ice cream.

At 11:30, a large truck suddenly drove up outside the set.Three or four big guys walked into the set carrying several large boxes of foam boxes. Seeing this, a group of people talked about it. "Put it on the table." Gu Nuoxian pointed to the temporary dining table.

The big men put the foam box on the dining table and left quickly.

Gu Nuoxian got up and walked to the table, and said in a deep voice, "I have caused trouble for everyone's work today. I will treat you to lunch, and everyone is free to eat!" Mr. Gu personally invited the dinner, and the whole crew was flattered. President Gao Leng has a different impression.

His wife is here, so Gu Nuoxian naturally doesn't go anywhere.

He is also happy to eat the same meal as the crew, probably because the person he loves is here, and the saliva is sweet.


After eating, Ji Ruo wants to take a nap.Gu Nuoxian fanned Ji Ruo with a fan from a certain abortion hospital uniformly issued by the crew. Seeing that she was asleep, he got up and left.

Zhutong took out a can of Red Bull from the refrigerator, turned around, and saw a man in black behind him. "Mr. Gu, are you here to buy something too?" Zhu Tong raised the Red Bull in his hand and asked, "Drink?"

The bamboo pupil is only 1.8 meters, and Gu Nuoxian still needs to keep his head down. "Would you like it?" He pointed to the Red Bull in Zhutong's hand, "I'll drink it if you invite me."

Zhutong smiled, turned around and took another can of Red Bull from the refrigerator. "Here!" He threw the Red Bull to Gu Nuoxian, and the two walked to the counter together. "Together." He took out 20 yuan in cash and put it on the counter, pointing to Gu Nuoxian behind him.

The shopkeeper gave the change, and the two walked out of the small supermarket side by side.

There was a red table outside the supermarket, and the two sat down together in a tacit understanding.Gu Nuoxian opened the can, raised his head and took a sip, and said, "It's been a long time since I drank this." He remembered drinking it when he was a child.

Zhu Tong shrugged, drank Red Bull, and said, "It's my honor to be able to sit with Mr. Gu and drink Red Bull on this noisy street." Puzzled.

"Why does Mr. Gu look at me like this?" Zhu Tong had a smile on his face, facing Gu Nuoxian's complicated gaze, he didn't show any nervousness.Gu Nuoxian lowered his eyes, he is really a different child.

"I checked your information." Gu Nuoxian pointed out his attitude directly, subconsciously, he felt that Zhutong was not an ordinary person.Zhutong didn't find it strange at all when he heard the words, he was still drinking Red Bull, his face full of contentment and elegance.

"Your information is very clean." After a pause, Gu Nuoxian looked at Zhu Tong and said, "It's so clean that I have to be suspicious."

"Hehe..." Zhutong smiled lightly.Gu Nuoxian drank Red Bull in silence, without asking him what he was laughing at. "Is Mr. Gu always like this? Every time you meet a stranger, you have to check his information?"

(End of this chapter)

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