S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 326 Master Nuo is so cute, you just let me do it once

Chapter 326 Master Nuo is so cute, just let me do it once (4)
For a while, Ji Ruo's loyal fans were congratulating Ji Ruo, saying that she found a good husband who really loved her.

Netizens who have turned fans yelled that Ji Ruo really saved the Milky Way in his previous life, and some passer-by fans smacked their tongues at that list, and then posted a few words of exclamation on Weibo, and some people who hated the rich cursed Ji Ruo on Weibo Gu Nuoxian is a pair of dogs and men.

In short, there are all kinds of clamor.

However, it is rare for the client to take a rest, eating the meal cooked by Gu Nuoxian at home, that is called comfort.After lunch, Gu Nuoxian bought two old game consoles from 20 years ago.

"This, I used to play it when I was a child, do you recognize it?" Gu Nuoxian handed her a small silver and black game console, with anticipation in his eyes.The first time he played this game was at Ya Ruo's house. When Ji Ruo was a child, he was better at playing games than him. After many years here, I don't know how her skills are.

Ji Ruo took the game console and looked at it carefully, and said, "It's a 2015 PSP game console made by Bray."

"Do you recognize?"

Gu Nuoxian was overjoyed, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.Ji Ruo nodded, "I used to play it when I was young, and Dad bought it for me." Sitting cross-legged on the sofa, Ji Ruo said, "Let's play a game together?"


They are playing the racing game "Fatal Speed", the rule is three runways, the system automatically assigns the runway routes, they can grab the lanes in the middle, and whoever reaches the finish line first wins.The rules are very simple, it depends on who is faster.

In the first game, the movements of both of them were a bit unfamiliar, after all, they hadn't played in more than ten years.In the second round, the movements of the two were significantly accelerated, and they could run freely on the runway.The two are still a draw.In the third game, Ji Ruo reached the finish line three seconds earlier than Gu Nuoxian.

The fighting spirit was provoked by Ji Ruo, Gu Nuoxian played more focused than before in the fourth game, but this time, he still lost!
Fifth inning, sixth inning, seventh inning...

In every game after that, Gu Nuoxian never won...

Holding the game console in his hand, he turned his head to look at the girl beside him with cold facial features, deep eyes and fast fingers pressing the keys, his eyes gradually became gentle.When they were children, they often stayed in the family game room to play games. At that time, Ji Ruo always killed him, and occasionally Gu Nuoxian made a fuss, acted coquettishly, acted cutely, and cried , if Laiya can't stand it, she will let him win.

I don't know if those tricks still work after all these years.

Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes, he suddenly threw away the game console, and remained silent.Ji Ruo ran to the finish line, and after a round, she looked at Gu Nuoxian in surprise. "Why didn't you play it all of a sudden?" Ji Ruo also put down the game console, thinking that something was wrong with him.

Staring at Ji Ruo with resentful eyes, just when Ji Ruo thought he had made a big mistake, Gu Nuoxian suddenly hugged Ji Ruo's waist and buried his head in her soft embrace.

Looking down at the man who suddenly hugged her in surprise, Ji Ruo didn't know what to say.

"You...what's the matter with you?" Liu Mei frowned slightly, and Ji Ruo no longer wanted to play games.

"Ruoruo..." Master Nuo's tone was extremely aggrieved.


Gu Nuoxian raised his head, he looked up at Ji Ruo, who was aloof, and said with pursed lips: "I always lose, never won once..." She rubbed her chest, her fair face was full of grievances. "Just let me do it once, okay?"

Ji Ruo: "..."

Her complexion changed again and again, and her heart felt weird.What kind of crazy is Gu Nuoxian doing today?It's so cute...

She looked at the big man with an aggrieved face, feeling very tired.

"Ruoruo, you promise, if you don't promise me, I won't play!"

Ji Ruo: "..."

"Let me just once, okay?" This time, Gu Nuoxian not only showed aggrieved face, but also hugged her arm with both hands, shaking it all the time.She looked at Gu Nuoxian who suddenly became like a child, and finally could only twitch the corners of her mouth, and said a word stiffly:

"…it is good!"

After getting a good word, Gu Nuoxian suddenly said oh yeah, he moved closer to Ji Ruo, and smacked her fair cheek.Only then was he content to hold the game console and click to play another game.Ji Ruo touched the cheek he had kissed, still feeling awkward in her heart.

Master Nuo became so cute that even humans, ghosts and snakes couldn't stand it.

Ji Ruo did what she said, and she really released the water. Her water release skills are very low-level, that is, when the cliff is turning, she deliberately bumped into the cliff to let Gu Nuoxian take a step first.Gu Nuoxian saw the red sports car hit the mountain wall behind him, and the corner of his mouth curled into a triumphant smile.

Twenty years later, her tricks of cheating are still so...cute.

"Oh yeah! I won, Ruoruo really did what I said!" Gu Nuoxian threw away the game console, and hugged Ji Ruo, who was still in a cute state, into his arms. The two sat on the sofa, Gu Nuoxian Use your hands to pick the hem of Ji Ruo's dress.

"What are you doing?" Ji Ruo flicked his hand away, thinking about the behavior of being pressed under him and eating food by him when she came home late last night, her whole body was cold.Gu Nuoxian lifted the bottom of her skirt and said with a rascal face: "Reciprocity is a matter of courtesy, you sacrificed yourself just now to let me win, there is no other way, I can only sacrifice my appearance, so that I can serve you."

Ji Ruo was shocked again by his brazenness.

"Gu Nuoxian, where did that cold and domineering you go?"

Without raising her head, Gu Nuoxian was busy greeting Ji Ruo physically. "They're sleeping, and they'll wake up when I'm done eating and drinking."

(End of this chapter)

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