S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 328 You Are Really Able To Fuck

Chapter 328 You Are Really Able To Fuck You (3)
Su Xi is not someone who is easy to get close to. It seems that the method must not be simple to make her so satisfied with her daughter-in-law.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, Ji Ruo, an actor, can get married into the Gu family only by means.Ji Ruo knew what they were thinking, so when Ms. Su introduced her to the famous lady, she always straightened her back, with a decent smile on her face the whole time, and she treated Gu's daughter-in-law very well.

At eight o'clock, a grandfather in a military uniform came down from upstairs with a cane on his hand.

Wearing a straight military uniform on him, the 90-year-old man looks mighty and domineering. He carries many medals on his chest, and an epaulet symbolizing the rank of marshal on his left shoulder. The national emblem shines brightly on his shoulder.In his life, he has seen blood and gunfire, and experienced life and death. He is a truly shocking and admirable person.

From the time the old man came on stage, the audience was solemn and quiet.

Gu Nuoxian didn't know when he came to Ji Ruo's side, he looked at the wrinkled old man with deep eyes, his eyes were full of respect.Ji Ruo glanced at people like Gu Tan and An Xiyao, and found that they looked at the old man with respect.

As expected of an old marshal, his prestige is extraordinary.

An Yiqing was wearing a small white dress, a pearl necklace around her neck, and her long hair in a bun. She followed Cang Juexiao, which showed how much the old man loved this great-granddaughter.

The old man went to a pear wood chair and sat down. He held the cane in his palm-like wrinkled hands and placed it in front of him.

"Thank you for coming to the old man's 90th birthday." The old man glanced at all the guests with cloudy eyes, and said again: "My body is not good enough. If I pass this day, I will lose one day."

"You are all of the younger generation, we are already old and can't carry guns anymore! The future of the motherland is in the hands of your generation of young people!" He glanced at the audience, his eyes were on the Gu family, and Scanning over the An's and his wife, in the end, he fixedly looked at Su Xi without turning his eyes away.

"It's your responsibility to take care of our country!"

Ji Ruo followed the old man's gaze, only to realize that he was looking at Ms. Su.Ji Ruo was slightly taken aback, why did the old man say this to Mommy?

Su Xi nodded slightly to Mr. Cang. Seeing this, Cang Jue Xiao smiled. He stood up with An Yiqing's support, and said, "I have fought for most of my life, and it is considered vigorous. Today is my birthday, and I Have a wish!"

"Grandpa, for your [-]th birthday, what wishes do you have?" Cang Jianjia stepped out of the crowd, came to Cang Juexiao, and asked in a low voice.Cang Juexiao glanced at his granddaughter's face, and then at his great-grandson An Yiqing beside him. He looked at the sky outside the hall and murmured: "I want...to sing the national anthem again..."

Cang Jianjia was stunned for a moment, thinking that Lao Tzu is now ninety years old, and I am afraid that he will not live long, so he panicked. "Okay, let's sing the national anthem!"

Cang Juexiao tried to stand still on crutches, his legs were trembling with age.

"Get up! People who don't want to be slaves, build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood!" The old man sang the national anthem seriously with a hoarse and aged voice, his lips trembling.He probably remembered the past years, and there were big teardrops in his eyes.

Seeing the old man singing the national anthem alone, the noses of the people present were sore, something was triggered, and everyone sang along:
中华民族 到 了 最 危险 的 时候 ,
每个 人 被迫 着 发出 最后 的 吼声。

起来! 起来! 起来!

我们 万众一心 ,
冒着 敌人 的 炮火 , 前进!

(End of this chapter)

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