S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 339 Dump him a face millet porridge

Chapter 339 Dump him with millet porridge (5)
Xiao Yunchen made a timely move and grabbed Luo Tong's left hand.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you doing?" Liu Yuebo blocked Luo Tong's displeasure, and waved Xiao Yunchen's hand away. "Mr. Xiao, please respect yourself!" The man's eyes showed warning and displeasure.Liu Yuebo looked at the person in front of him who was much stronger than him, and there was no trace of timidity in his eyes.

Xiao Yunchen was not annoyed when his hand was pulled away by Liu Yuebo, his sharp eyes stopped on Luo Tong who was behind Liu Yuebo, and there were complications and pain inside. "Tongtong, I've always wanted to ask you, did you go to the hospital to remove our child yourself, or did you have to remove him because you injured him by jumping from the third floor?"

our children…

Luo Tong, who turned his back to Xiao Yunchen, had a look of pain on his face.

She really didn't know that she was pregnant with a child. If she knew, she would not jump off the third floor recklessly.They all thought that it was because of the marriage between Xiao Yunchen and An Xin that she ran to the hospital to kill the child in a moment of anger. They all thought that she was Luo Tong with a hard heart, but it was not.

That's her child!

How could she be so cruel?
At that time, the housekeeper had a broken right leg and was sent to the hospital. In order to escape from Xiao Yunchen, Luo Tong escaped from the back door of the hospital.That night, she stayed at the house of her cousin who came to work in City C from the countryside. After meeting Hong later that night, she was sent to a private clinic in the hospital, and only then did she know that she was pregnant with a child!
But before she had time to say hello to the child, the child was gone.

Until now, she still clearly remembers how cold her heart was when the child was taken away on the cold hospital bed.What she did was not a painless abortion, she didn't want to be separated from the child unconsciously.

When she got off the hospital bed, holding the flesh and blood that the doctor randomly discarded in a ball of white cloth, she cried until her heart broke.At that moment, she hated Xiao Yunchen and herself.

They are all incompetent parents, they are all executioners with butcher knives!

The eyes became blurred, Luo Tong raised his head to look at the still hot dusk sky, trying to elicit a self-deprecating smile. "Xiao Yunchen, it's all over, what's the point of asking this?"

"Tongtong, tell the truth, how did the child disappear?" Xiao Yunchen stubbornly wanted to know the answer.

Luo Tong closed his eyes, a tear slid down his cheek and fell on the ground, blooming like a twilight flower. "Being heartbroken, I went to the hospital to remove it myself. Xiao Yunchen, are you satisfied with this answer?" Luo Tong turned to look at Xiao Yunchen, the sarcasm in his eyes was shocking.

Even though it was July, the icy cold penetrated into Xiao Yunchen's bone marrow, biting his flesh and blood.

Liu Yuebo looked at Luo Tong and frowned slightly.He doesn't like this Luo Tong, doesn't like the mask on her face against her will, doesn't like her forced smile.He suppressed the pain in his heart, took Luo Tong by the hand, and quickly left the set.

"What are you doing? I'm still working!" Pulled by Liu Yuebo to go outside, Luo Tong became anxious for a moment.

Liu Yuebo didn't agree, "Working shit, you're still working like this, can I rest assured?" Liu Yuebo's face darkened, looking quite bluffing.Luo Tong was stunned, seeing the sincere concern in Liu Yuebo's eyes, he suddenly became obedient.

"Then let me call Ji Ruo."

This time, Liu Yuebo did not object.

Luo Tong called Ji Ruo and briefly explained the reason, but Ji Ruo didn't say much, just told her not to be too sad.

As soon as Luo Tong hung up the phone, the sports car roared, at an exaggerated speed, like a cheetah running across city C, heading for a place where flowers were blooming.

(End of this chapter)

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