S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 344 3 Immortal Stars Marry Me

Chapter 344 Three Thousand Immortal Stars Marry Me (1)
In the afternoon of this day, a user named 'Moonlight' posted a post on Weibo——

It's a pity to see a smashed Porsche supercar on the left bank road in Beicheng. Such a cool car was smashed.Feel sorry for the car owner for 3 minutes, light the wax.This Weibo is accompanied by three live photos of the destroyed Porsche. The dried blood on the ground seems to tell everyone that the owner of the car was injured.

The user has more than 500 fans, netizens reposted and commented on the microblog one after another, and almost all mourned for the owner of the car.More than an hour later, this news was inadvertently seen by a Weibo user with a big V number. The big V number reposted this Weibo account and commented: "Why does this Porsche look familiar!"

Another blogger reposted his Weibo, and wrote: "I also feel familiar, just went to check, this is the new Porsche 'Magic Wind' produced last year, the global sale is limited to ten, the price is as high as 500 Dowan. As far as I know, there is only one in C City, and it was a year-end gift from Oulong boss Ou Zelong to Yingmei last year."

As soon as the comment came out, everyone was dumbfounded——

What?Is it the Shadow God's car?

The car was ruined like this, so Ying Dashen didn't have an accident, right?
Oh my god, someone dared to smash Ying Dashen's car, did she offend someone?
Don't be afraid, Master Ying, we will support you!

Is Shadow God alright?The car is destroyed like this, how is the person now?

Fans from all walks of life unanimously left messages to express their concern and greetings to the film master. The blogger's Weibo comment area exploded, and the number of comments exceeded 2 in just one hour.Many official accounts reposted the Weibo one after another, asking if something happened to Yingmei.

Ever since, Yingmei's injuries spread like wildfire.With the Porsche ruined like this, how can Ying Meiren be fine?Looking at the bloodstains on the ground, she knew that Ying Mei had been raped this time, but she didn't know which important person she had offended.

Some paparazzi who smelled gossip carried their cameras to various hospitals, hoping to be lucky enough to get first-hand information.

It is night.

Du Ziming walked out of the private clinic with Ying Mei, whose legs were wrapped in the shape of rice dumplings.

Ying Mei wore a peaked cap and curled up in Du Ziming's arms, her face pale. "Does it hurt?" When Xiao Yunchen hit her, Du Ziming was cowardly and failed to show up, which had already hurt his self-esteem as a man.Seeing Ying Mei's pale face now, Du Ziming felt a little bit reluctant.

Ying Mei shook her head, put her arms around his waist, thinking that today when she faced Luo Tong, this man resolutely chose to stand in front of her, and the aggrieved feeling in her heart disappeared.

In his heart, he is more important than that first love after all.

This is enough.

"It doesn't hurt, don't worry, just rest for a few days and you'll be fine." Ying Mei hugged Du Ziming back, couldn't help but raised her head and kissed his neck.Du Ziming lowered his head and held her lips.

At this moment, a few flashes appeared in the flowers beside the clinic.

A few minutes later, Yingmei's name appeared on Weibo's hot search column.

—— Yingmei was injured and went to the hospital. She was photographed kissing her manager, and her secret affair was exposed.

Under this trending search, a long Weibo titled "Counting the Men Behind Yingmei in Those Years" appeared in detail. In the Weibo, it detailed who Yingmei had slept with from her debut to now, and who she was Who had mistresses, even which men she was ambiguous with during the development of M country... and the most secret gossip, all were unearthed and revealed.

This long Weibo is accompanied by pictures as evidence, and the die-hard fans of Shadow Master can't quibble.The fans were in an uproar, saying that it was hard to imagine that the dignified and majestic actor had such a chaotic life in private.

(End of this chapter)

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