S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 349 3 Immortal Stars Marry Me

Chapter 349 Three Thousand Immortal Stars Marry Me (7)
Later at the banquet, he finally saw the man.It turned out that the man who had been buried in her heart for many years was named Xiao Yunchen.A violent, dark, complex man.

In the corner of the banquet hall, he overheard her conversation with Ying Mei.When he heard what Du Ziming and Ying Mei had done to Luo Tong, he was so angry that he really wanted to run to the banquet hall and kick Du Ziming to death.He held back because he saw that man named Xiao Yunchen approaching Luo Tong.

From their conversation and Yingmei's crazy words, he learned another piece of news.It turned out that the woman he liked was as calm as water, and her smile was dim. She once loved that man named Xiao Yunchen so deeply.

She loved him so much that she was willing to be his mistress, and even conceived a child for him and had an abortion!

Naturally jealous.

"Xiao Yunchen, I don't want you anymore."

When Luo Tong said this to Xiao Yunchen, Liu Yuebo saw that Xiao Yunchen froze.He thought, this Xiao Yunchen must still be in love with Luo Tong, he knew that Luo Tong still had feelings for Xiao Yunchen, otherwise he wouldn't be calling his name when he was drunk after experiencing so much pain.

After thinking about this, Liu Yuebo was angry and felt a strong sense of crisis.

He hugged Luo Tong's slender body under the tree, and secretly swore in his heart that he would treat her well.Such a beautiful girl was raped by two scumbags, it really made him feel bad!

It must be a long way to go to get rid of an old lover who has been in his heart for five years from Luo Tong's heart.During the time when Luo Tong tried to get along with him, he was also sad and decadent, and he also slandered himself.But all kinds of things can't resist the depth of his love for her.

Forget it, let me accept my fate!Thinking of this, he put up all his energy to accompany her, tried to warm her with a pure heart, and took a place in her heart.

On the night of Lin Feitong's concert, Liu Yuebo originally wanted to be angry with Luo Tong, but he didn't expect Luo Tong to react so strongly that he ran away in anger.He was really surprised, he didn't expect Luo Tong to care about him so much.

He chased after him, and when he saw Xiao Yunchen who was standing side by side with Luo Tong on the side of the road, a surge of anger rose in his heart for no reason, as if he wanted to burn him to ashes.

That night, he got another news.

It turned out that his Luo Tong not only had an abortion for that man, but also blocked a gun for him.How much does it really take for a person to love someone so that he will stand up for him without hesitation?Liu Yuebo thought coolly in his heart, he would never be able to drive Xiao Yunchen away from Luo Tong's heart in this life.

It was also that night that Luo Tong gave him his body.Afterwards, Liu Yuebo held Luo Tong in his arms and refused to fall asleep. He always felt that it was unreal. She clearly still had someone in her heart, so why was she willing to be with him?
Luo Tong probably sensed his uneasiness, she rolled her eyes and said, "I don't like a person, so I definitely won't have a relationship with him."

Liu Yuebo's brain froze for a few seconds.

When he reacted, he was in ecstasy.What did Luo Tong say?It shows that she also likes herself!He was overjoyed, he hugged her into his arms and ravaged her severely, his heart felt more at ease.

Because of that sentence, he never doubted this feeling again.

She may not love herself deeply enough, but he is easy to be satisfied, as long as she has his place in her heart, he has enough confidence and assurance to drive everyone else away, and the last person will move into her heart. Never leave again.


(End of this chapter)

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