S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 35 The Fierce Boss

Chapter 35 The Cruel Boss (1)
Standing in the elevator, Luo Tong saw the big boss for the first time. Even though she was over thirty, she was still a little timid.The big boss behind Yanuo Entertainment is quite mysterious, outsiders only know his name is Gu Nuoxian, he is a young man, and nothing else is known.

The 27th floor is quiet, which is very different from the atmosphere of the whole company.

Luo Tong stepped out of the elevator, stepped on the carpeted aisle, walked alone, there was no one around, the silence made people feel chills down the spine.Luo Tong always felt that there was something staring at her from behind her, so that cold sweat broke out on her frightened forehead.

Passing through the luxurious but very quiet hall, Luo Tong finally saw the five big characters of the president's office area.

After the standard three knocks on the door, the closed door opened automatically. Luo Tong silently glanced at the so-called CEO's office. In the huge office, there was only one man playing with a gun!
That's right, that man was indeed playing with a gun, and it was a real gun! .

The dark muzzle of the gun exuded an icy cold light, and Luo Tong had never left her head since entering the room. Luo Tong walked towards the man with his head held high, but he didn't know that his feet had already started to swing.

"Mr. Gu, hello, I'm the new manager Luo Tong..." God knows how hard it took Luo Tong to finish this sentence in one breath.

The man stared at her for two seconds, turned his wrist, and the gun left Luo Tong's head. "I'm not the president, the president is inside." The man's voice was quite gentle, completely different from his style of conduct.

Song Yu pointed to the door behind him that he couldn't see if he didn't look for it deliberately.

Luo Tong was startled, and his heart was so shocked.This man with a strong aura is just a subordinate?
Song Yu turned around and personally led Luo Tong to the door of the CEO's office. He knocked on the door and said respectfully, "Master Nuo, someone is here."

Luo Tong listened attentively, there was no movement for a long time, and when Luo Tong thought there was no one inside, an indifferent man's voice suddenly came out. "Bring her in."


The moment Song Yu pushed the door, Luo Tong almost held his breath.

She thought she would meet a vicious villain, after all, with a perverted boss like Song Yu, they are usually very vicious.It is conceivable that Luo Tong was mistaken again. Not only is the boss not cruel, but he is also gentle and polite, and looks imposing.Wearing a black custom-made suit, Gu Nuoxian's tall and straight figure is more handsome and moving.

Luo Tong secretly guessed that the boss must be a handsome man.

Because Gu Nuoxian's back was facing her, Luo Tong could not see his face.

"Mr. Gu, I'm the manager of the new artist Ji Ruo. My name is Luo Tong." Because of Song Yu's intimidation before, Luo Tong's feet were still shaking, so that he was a little weak when he spoke now, but he didn't to the point of inarticulate speech.

The man with his back to her turned around slowly, seeing that peerless face, Luo Tong, who had already passed the age of nympho, was stunned.

She never thought that there are men in this world whose birth is an art.

Gu Nuoxian has a handsome face, handsome and deep facial features, and those eyes that are full of aura but always revealing indifferent eyes are extremely beautiful. He is a standard peach blossom eye, and a single electric eye can easily captivate people's souls.Even wearing glasses can't hide the charm of those beautiful eyes.

Luo Tong's eyes moved from the man's eyes to his indifferent thin lips that were tight and silent.Uh... such a delicate lip that people will definitely imagine the word abstinence when they look at it.Luo Tong thought that his cautious eyes could not escape the man's eagle eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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