S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 363 Your Butt Is Really Up

Chapter 363 Your Butt Is Really Up (3)
Realizing that Xiao Yunchen was not telling lies, but stating the facts, Du Ziming deeply regretted his actions tonight.

"Ah, there are many interesting ways to die." Xiao Yunchen clapped his hands, and a servant brought out a super large round turntable from the tool room.When Du Ziming saw the turntable, his eyebrows jumped. There were handcuffs and anklets on the turntable, there were knife marks left after being stabbed by a knife, and some dried blood.

His face changed, someone died on this turntable!
"As you can see, the circus death game." Xiao Yunchen twirled his left index finger on his temple, pretending to be puzzled and said, "Let me think about it, who was the pet that played with me last time?" He pointed It turned faster and faster, but didn't remember the name of the last poor victim.

The old butler walked up to Xiao Yunchen at this time, and respectfully reminded him: "Sir, it's President Du of Nan's enterprise."

A sudden realization appeared on Xiao Yunchen's face, "Yes! That's him! Du Jia! Hey, that's weird, why is everyone I hate named Du? In fact, I'm pretty good at darts, but it's a pity that Du Jia keeps crying Damn, I was so scared that my hand trembled, and the dart missed. Ouch, that sharp knife point..."

Xiao Yunchen smiled and glanced at the bloodless Du Ziming. Under Du Ziming's horrified gaze, Xiao Yunchen lowered his right hand and made a movement of cutting something on the coffee table. "Cut off his dick directly!"

When Xiao Yunchen said this, Du Ziming's whole body trembled.

"And the most famous and well-known Russian roulette!" Xiao Yunchen stretched out his left hand, and the old housekeeper took out a revolver from behind.Xiao Yunchen took out the extra bullets, leaving only one inside. "This game is not so exciting, but it's still exciting. When the pet is scared to death, suddenly shoot him in the temple, and see the blood splashing from the hole of the gun. It feels really good. Already!"

Xiao Yunchen licked his lips, as if his lips had been smeared with the most delicious fresh blood.Xiao Yunchen put the revolver on the coffee table, and smiled gracefully at Du Ziming, but seeing Du Ziming's soul chill.

"Oh yes, there are more!" Du Ziming was on the verge of collapse, at this moment, Xiao Yunchen snapped his fingers again.A girl in a light purple maid outfit brought up a tray with a small bowl of water and a stack of paper towels on it.

Du Ziming stared blankly at the maid who put the tray in front of Xiao Yunchen, his lips trembled so much that he wanted to sift the chaff, his stomach tightened, and he was about to lose control.

"Do you know how to play this?" Xiao Yunchen seemed tired, he leaned on the sofa, slightly closed his eyes and lips, and didn't want to talk anymore.This Du Ziming was too frightened. Before it even started, he was about to faint from fright. It's no fun!
Du Ziming didn't have the strength to speak, he was so frightened that he almost lost control of his urine.

Seeing that Xiao Yunchen was silent, the beautiful maid knelt down on the carpet, picked up a tissue and put it in the bowl, waited until the tissue was completely soaked, took out the tissue, and carefully pasted the tissue on her pretty face.

Her facial features were covered by tissues, and the tissues around her nose and mouth fluttered with her breath.In short, this small piece of paper towel can also slowly suffocate people.

The maid did the same thing and made three or four paper towels to cover her face, but she couldn't hold it any longer, so she took off the paper towels on her face.The little face that was exposed to everyone's sight was not rosy, but blue-purple.

She walked on the verge of death just now, and now she was breathing in the fresh and precious air, looking so embarrassed that Du Ziming felt horrified.

"Sir, the rules of the game are just like this." The girl said to Du Ziming with a playful smile. Du Ziming looked at the pieces of tissue that she had peeled off, the revolver on the coffee table, and the big turntable behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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