S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 368 Your Butt Is Really Up

Chapter 368 Your Butt Is Really Up (8)
"What's wrong with you?" Dou Ai is a newcomer under Yanuo Entertainment for the past two years. Although her resources are not as good as Ji Ruohao, she is better than other artists.Now he can be regarded as a rising star in the entertainment industry, has many fans, and is one of the few artists under Yanuo who attract more money.

Liu Yuebo always treats the Lucky Tree with care.In addition, we have known each other for two years, and have met many times, both openly and secretly, so we can be regarded as half friends.Seeing her uncomfortable face, Liu Yuebo, as a boss and a friend, should ask her out of reason.

Dou Ai tapped her head and said: "I don't know what's going on, but my head is dizzy and I feel a little uncomfortable."

"Are you drunk?" After Liu Yuebo finished speaking, he felt a little drunk too.

"I only drank five cups. You know, I'm usually good at drinking." As an artist, you have to socialize frequently, and you can't do without drinking.Liu Yuebo frowned slightly, and said: "I'll take a taxi to take you back, where do you live?"

"Over there at the Central Hospital."

"Luo Tong is sick and hospitalized today. We should go on the same journey. I'll take you back." Liu Yuebo shook his head, and his consciousness was a little drowsy.Seeing that he seemed to be drunk too, Dou Ai was silent for a while, and suggested: "Let's take a taxi together, it's not safe to drive drunk."

Liu Yuebo's mind was not very clear, so he agreed.The two took a taxi and reported their addresses. Liu Yuebo sent a text message to Luo Tong, saying that he would be back soon.Sitting in the taxi, the two were silent all the way.At some point, Liu Yuebo couldn't stand the attack of drowsiness, so he leaned against the back of the car and fell asleep in a daze.

But when he slept, he slept in a big mess.

On this side, Luo Tong woke up and ate alone, and received a text message from Liu Yuebo.

—I'm drunk and can't drive.Take a taxi back with Dou Ai, and it will take about half an hour.

Not knowing whether it was because of the porridge or because of Liu Yuebo's text message, Luo Tong felt warm in his heart.She went to the toilet, lay on the hospital bed and checked Weibo for [-] minutes, but Liu Yuebo hadn't come back yet, so she couldn't help thinking, did something happen to him?
She waited for another ten minutes, and couldn't bear it anymore, so she called Liu Yuebo.The phone reminded the other party that the phone was turned off, Luo Tong was taken aback, unable to believe it, and made several consecutive calls, but the phone was still turned off.

She couldn't help being anxious, that person never turned off his phone.

After thinking about it, she found Dou Ai's number from the phone book and tried to dial it.The same cold robot prompt sounded into Luo Tong's ears, she held the phone in a daze, and many thoughts flashed through her mind.

They came back together, why did their mobile phones turn off together?

Drunk... Is something wrong?still is…

Luo Tong shook his head, telling himself not to think about it, although Liu Yuebo was just a butterfly before, but now he has calmed down and will not betray her.Besides, no matter how messy he is, he will never cross the line with his own artist, even if he wants to cheat, he will not marry Dou Ai.

With some peace of mind, Luo Tong lay back on the bed and began to browse the webpage to see if there was any latest road accident report.

Throughout the night, Luo Tong stared at his phone and browsed the web, but this night, there was no car accident in City C.The absence of a car accident meant that Liu Yuebo was safe.Liu Yuebo's cell phone was never turned on, she couldn't contact him, and couldn't sleep at all.

Staring at the phone all night, his haggard face became even paler when he was sick.Luo Tong lay on the bed, staring at the two dark circles under his eyes, forcing himself not to think about it, and to fall asleep quickly.


At seven o'clock in the morning, the nurse came to give her a drip, and Luo Tong woke up in a daze, only to find a new MMS message on her phone.

(End of this chapter)

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