Chapter 37 Meeting Again (1)
More than a month has passed in a flash. During this month, Ji Ruo lived a full life every day and learned new knowledge every day. Among them, dance, performance, and etiquette are the main learning goals. In addition, he will also learn some other things Something, because the time is too tight, the music training has been temporarily stranded.

On Christmas Eve, Luo Tong gave Ji Ruo a holiday.Ji Ruo was lying on the bed, and she didn't want to lift her tired fingers. As a result, she had just had a good night's sleep. The next morning, Luo Tong dragged her to the best beauty salon in C City for beauty treatments. In the evening, the two went to the famous brand clothing shop to try on dresses.

Only then did Ji Ruo know that she was going to attend the company's Christmas party tomorrow night.

Luo Tong seemed to attach great importance to this party, as it was not difficult to see from her carefully selected dress and jewelry. On Christmas Day on the 25th, Ji Ruo drove back to the old house and had lunch with Ji Pulin, and Ji Ruo was about to head back home.

"Girl, wait!"

Ji Pulin got up from the dinner table, rubbed his hands on his trouser legs for a while, and then entered the bedroom mysteriously.Ji Ruo watched Dad come out with a black box in his hands, his almond eyes twinkled with enthusiasm, and he was very curious. "what?"

Ji Pulin chuckled, and handed the box to Ji Ruo's arms. "Open it and have a look!" Ji Ruo opened it according to his words, and then fell silent.Inside the box is a gothic lace gemstone necklace. The necklace is made of black gemstones. A huge black gemstone is pendant in the center of the lace. The gemstones are dazzling and captivating.

There are three small black gemstones on each side of the gemstone. Gemstones are born to be noble. Even if they are bound by a box, they are still noble and dazzling, and cannot be desecrated.This necklace was made from the gem that Ji Ruo brought back from country T.

Ji Ruo was silent for a long time, with mixed emotions in her heart.I don't know if it was touching my father's heart, or thinking of some people or things.

"Girl, do you like it?" Seeing Ji Ruo's silence, Ji Pulin felt very uncertain.Although this thing was stolen by Ji Ruo, in Ji Pulin's world view, what he stole is his own!Who told the original owner that he didn't have the ability to protect the baby.

Ji Pulin was a famous thief when he was young. Later, he washed his hands for some reasons, but the thief's heart will never change.The reason why a thief is a thief is that it has a higher realm than a thief and a thief.The thief stole stealthily, and the thief swaggered to take it. In his opinion, if his daughter can get this thing, it means that her daughter is good!
In Ji Pulin's wonderful educational philosophy, it would be a miracle if Ji was not raised by him.

Ji Ruo suppressed the emotion in her heart, raised her smiling face and nodded vigorously. "like!"

"If you like it, just like it!"

Saying goodbye to Ji Pulin, Ji Ruo drove straight to the house, passed the red street light, Ji Ruo stopped the car very well, and his lazy and indifferent eyes drifted to the jewelry box on the co-pilot, which was about to disappear in Ji Ruo's mind A figure began to emerge again.

Ji Ruo sighed, probably because he had such an intimate relationship with that man that he couldn't forget it for a while.

But it doesn't matter, she will try her best to forget that not-so-good memory.


It was already five o'clock in the evening when we came out of the shape design and image store, and the daytime is short in winter, so the banquet will be held at seven o'clock in the evening.It took about an hour and a half from the image store to the Caesar star hotel where the banquet was held, and Luo Tong managed the time just right.

Sitting in the car, Ji Ruo cast a glance at Luo Tong, and sighed, "Sister Tong used to be an assistant, it's a shame."

Luo Tong smiled triumphantly, the years of tenderness outlined beautiful lines in the corners of her eyes, when she smiled, she was gentle and charming, Ji Ruo couldn't help being a little dazed.Since when did the watery sister Tong also have wrinkles, probably due to age.

(End of this chapter)

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