S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 374 Holding it in the Palm of Your Hand as a Treasure 2 More

Chapter 374 Holding it in the Palm of Your Hand as a Treasure Second Watch (2)
Luo Tong blinked her long eyes, her tears were completely suppressed.

"How do you believe it? You said that you were framed by someone, I believe it. You said that you and her are innocent, I really find it hard to believe." People are impulsive animals, let alone drunk people?

Liu Yuebo's eyes flashed, he bent over to her ear, and whispered a few words.Hearing this, Luo Tong's eyes flashed with astonishment. "Are you sure she's still a virgin?" Luo Tong's expression was a little strange. That sexy and beautiful girl is still a virgin at 26?
"I, like you, find it hard to believe."

Luo Tong felt better.

"But..." Thinking of the scratches and hickeys on the two of them, Luo Tong still couldn't feel beautiful. "The traces on your body... how to explain?" She hoped that Liu Yuebo and Dou Ai were innocent more than anyone else, and she couldn't bear the pain of being betrayed anymore.Whether intentional or exploited.

Liu Yuebo was silent, and he couldn't explain this matter, probably last night, he really had an affair with Dou Ai, but he still firmly believed that he hadn't done the last step. "You are different." He said suddenly.

Luo Tong turned his head to look at him, "What's the difference?"


Luo Tong was puzzled.

"You have a smell that I like. Her body only smells of perfume, which I don't like." He vaguely remembered what happened to Dou Ai when he was drunk last night. He should have smelled something different , Only at the last moment did he stop.

Luo Tong lowered his head and sniffed himself, but didn't find anything special, but there was a smell of disinfectant from the hospital. "You can't smell it." Seeing her hooking her nose and lowering her head to keep sniffing, Liu Yuebo found it funny.Luo Tong looked at him and asked, "Then how can you smell it?"

Liu Yuebo thief Xixi smiled, and replied: "Whether the blood in your body is salty or fishy, ​​whether the bones are thin or thick, and whether the skin is smooth or rough, I know all of them. You know the taste by eating the marrow." , because I have tasted delicious, so I remember."

After Luo Tong heard his big reasoning, the grievance in his heart disappeared miraculously.

At this time, the door of the room opened from the inside.Dou Ai, who was wearing a light red tight skirt, came out. After what happened last night, her face was also a little pale.Glancing at Luo Tong, Dou Ai showed apology in her eyes, then looked at Liu Yuebo, her eyes were somewhat complicated.

Seeing Dou Ai's eyes on Liu Yuebo, Luo Tong's heart tightened for no reason.That look, she is too familiar.It was exactly the same as when Liu Yuebo looked at himself, what was inside was so clear at a glance.

Dou Ai actually likes Liu Yuebo!This recognition made Luo Tong extremely uncomfortable.Liu Yuebo is worthy of being a prodigal son in love, and he also noticed something when he was looked at by Dou Ai's eyes that seemed angry but not angry.Usually in private contact with Dou Ai, she hid her thoughts very well, Liu Yuebo didn't see it.After Dou Ai opened her eyes today, he saw that his eyes were obviously different, and it was hard for him not to think about it.

Knowing Dou Ai's thoughts towards her, Liu Yuebo just felt very annoyed.

"Let's go to the hospital and have an examination!" Liu Yuebo looked directly into Dou Ai's eyes, and his tone showed no pity.

Dou Ai froze all over and her face turned paler. "I said I'm a virgin, you still want to take me for a checkup?" She clearly felt that her heart was bleeding, this man is really cruel.Liu Yuebo frowned and said nothing, determined to investigate clearly, if he didn't check clearly, he would panic in his heart.

Dou Ai looked at Luo Tong with pitiful eyes, trying to soften her.The strange thing is that Luo Tong didn't say no, she obviously acquiesced to Liu Yuebo's proposal.Before, she might have suggested that Liu Yuebo should just let it go, but when she realized Dou Ai's thoughts on Liu Yuebo, she felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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