S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 389 Leaping to the Earth and Blooming

Chapter 389 Leaping and Blooming the Earth (4)
Gu Nuoxian: "..."

Ye Junran's voice passed through thousands of applause and reached Ji Ruo's ears.Ji Ruo's rising heart suddenly dropped, she got up calmly, hugged Huang Jun and Lin Lun to celebrate, and then walked onto the stage.

Ye Junran took the trophy from the Miss Master of Ceremonies.

Ji Ruo was standing on the edge of the stage, she held up her long skirt, and suddenly stopped in her tracks.She looked at Ye Junran, who was still in the center of the stage, and couldn't help but think of the first time she met a year ago. In that interview, she was a young newcomer standing on the stage anxiously, while Ye Junran was hiding in the dark and decided The king of life and death.

In just one year, she was about to receive the trophy presented by him, and her heart was filled with sadness for no reason.

Seeing Ji Ruo suddenly stop, Ye Junran stared at her indifferently.He lowered his eyes and thought for a while, probably understanding what Ji Ruo was thinking.Raising his head again, Ye Junran had a slight smile on his face. He waved to Ji Ruo and said, "Miss Ji, come here and take away your glory!"

Ji Ruo let go of her hands, and the hem of her skirt fell to the ground.

She took a deep breath, and amidst the howling lights and applause, she walked towards the king of heaven, Ye Junran, with graceful steps.This time, she is no longer an unknown newcomer, she is Ji Ruo, a rising star, the radiant Ji Ruo.

She could finally straighten her back and walk towards the king of the film industry with proud and confident steps.She is still some distance away from Ye Junran's height, but she is not worried, she believes that one day she will catch up with Ye Junran's footsteps.

Seeing Ji Ruo walking towards him, Ye Junran was in a daze.

He knew that if Ji Ruo was a piece of unpolished jade, the moment he found her would be the countdown to the day when the unpolished jade would shine.

After receiving the crystal trophy, Ji Ruo looked up at Ye Junran and gave him a smug smile.On the road of acting, Ye Junran is both a teacher and a friend to her.He gave her a chance to be reborn, Ji Ruo was grateful and thankful.

Standing in front of her bole now, Ji Ruo still felt a little uneasy.

"Did I disappoint you?" Ji Ruo asked.

Ye Junran's Gujing's unwavering eyes finally undid the ripples.He suddenly smiled, "No, I am very satisfied with your performance this year." Ye Jun suddenly chuckled, and under Ji Ruo's puzzled eyes, he said: "Ji Ruo, we are colleagues and friends , Let’s get to know each other again!”

Ji Ruo raised Liu Mei, Xingmu was puzzled.

Ye Junran took a step back, and suddenly stretched out a generous right hand towards her. "Hi, I'm Ye Junran, nice to meet you."

Ji Ruo was stunned, her porcelain white face fainted with a smug smile, she also stretched out her right hand and held Ye Junran's broad palm. "Hi, I'm Ji Ruo, nice to meet you." This time, like the first time they shook hands a year ago, Ji Ruo answered neither humble nor overbearing.

The two looked at each other and smiled, feeling a feeling of finding a confidant in their hearts at the same time.

"The stage is handed over to you."

Ye Junran exited, and Ji Ruo walked to the microphone.

Looking at the camera, Ji Ruo blinked his big eyes and said: "A year ago, I met my life Bole. From that moment on, I told myself, Ji Ruo, you have to work hard, and you can't let your Bole down. You can't let down your fans who still love you, you can't let down your manager who is with you through thick and thin, and you can't let down Mr. Gu who loves you so much."

When Gu Nuoxian heard Ji Ruo's last words, he couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you to the judges for your affirmation, and also to the entire crew of "Virtual Mirror". It is your hard work that can create an exciting and good movie. My knights, thank you for your support and perseverance, I remember If so, I will never let down your love!"

(End of this chapter)

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