S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 394 Leaping to the Earth and Blooming

Chapter 394 Leaping and Blooming the Earth (9)
Ji Ruo and Ye Junran quickly ran to Luo Tong, Ye Junran hugged Liu Yuebo, saw that he was squinting his eyes as if he was about to die, so he quickly reached out to check his breath, "I can't die for now, Quick, call! Call an ambulance!" After Ye Junran finished speaking, he ran towards the outside of the arena with Liu Yuebo in his arms.

Although Ji Ruo was also shocked, she was still rational. She quickly took out her mobile phone and made an emergency call. Then she hugged Luo Tong, who had lost her soul, in her arms, and stepped on her high heels towards Ye Junran. chase.

Ye Junran held Liu Yuebo, who was bleeding profusely, and hailed a taxi.

They all came in a nanny car, because the awards ceremony would take several hours, they asked the driver to drive back first.There are really few taxis outside the theater at this moment, and Liu Yuebo looks like a dead person, even if there are taxis passing by, no one is willing to stop to pick up passengers.

Ji Ruo ran out of the theater with Luo Tong in her arms, and stood beside Ye Junran.She put Luo Tong down and hurriedly waved for a taxi.


The man in his arms called out Luo Tong's name in a light and weak tone like a dreamer.Luo Tong gradually came back to her senses, seeing Liu Yuebo's eyes narrowed, she felt a sudden pain in her heart. "Yuebo, how are you?" She was so frightened that her legs trembled, she couldn't stand still at the moment, she could only half support Ye Junran's shoulder, and looked at Liu Yuebo nervously.

Liu Yuebo's hanging hand flicked in the air, Luo Tong hurriedly held his hand.

"How are you? Does it hurt?" Luo Tong cried, tears falling down like beans. "You are so stupid! Why are you so stupid!" She scolded Liu Yuebo for being stupid, but her heart was suffocating with pain.

Liu Yuebo didn't have the energy to open his eyes, he squinted his eyes and murmured, "You...don't...don't cry..."

"Okay, I won't cry!" Luo Tong quickly wiped away tears, Ji Ruo was still persistent in taking a taxi, but none of them stopped.In a moment of panic, she ran across the middle of the road, opened her arms, and stopped a speeding Land Rover.

The car stopped, and a pair of military boots stepped out of the car.

You Ze, who was dressed in camouflage uniform, looked at Ji Ruo without saying a word.Seeing You Ze, Ji Ruo was slightly taken aback, "Why are you here?" Soon she came back to her senses. "You are a soldier, saving people is your bounden duty, lend me your car!"

You Ze narrowed his eyes and did not speak.

Ji Ruo didn't care so much, and sat directly in the driver's seat of the Land Rover, "Jun Ran!" She yelled at Ye Junran.

Ye Junran seemed to recognize You Ze, but at this moment he couldn't care less, he got into the car with Liu Yuebo in his arms, and Luo Tong followed closely.As soon as Ji Ruo stepped on the accelerator, without even looking at You Ze, the Land Rover disappeared at the entrance of the theater like flying.

You Ze looked at the rear of the car with a complicated expression. He didn't tell Ji Ruo that he had been guarding outside the theater a long time ago, just because he didn't want to miss her receiving awards every time.When he saw Ye Junran hugging the injured Liu Yuebo, he really wanted to leave, but seeing Ji Ruo's anxious face, he couldn't help it.

So just now, he deliberately drove out the car and gave it to Ji Ruo.

Some loves begin inexplicably, but are deep in the heart.

"Ji Ruo, why don't you believe me when I say I'm your ghost knight?"

Holding her handbag, Yingmei walked aimlessly on the street, not afraid of being recognized by others, nor afraid of being arrested by the police.

She wrapped her arms around her, her body was bone-chillingly cold.

She walks, walks, through thousands of mountains and rivers, through the endless world, but there is no one holding hands beside her.At ten o'clock in the night, the streets were crowded with people, but none of the people passing by her was familiar with that person's face.

Tired from walking, Yingmei simply squatted down.

She squatted under a happiness tree at the end of the street, her arms around her helplessly, her heart as cold as ice. "Ziming, I can't find my way home..." After more than ten days, she was tormented by bone-biting thoughts and lost her mind.She tucked her head between her legs and suddenly let out a low cry.

Some people who didn't hang out recognized Ying Mei, first whispered, and then began to secretly take pictures, thinking of posting a Weibo at night.

I don't know how long I cried, the crowds on the street dispersed, only the night snack shop was still open.Ying Mei raised her head, her eyes were swollen like peaches.She took out her mobile phone from her handbag, opened the Weibo software and read the news about herself, and suddenly laughed in her heart.

Some people on the Internet sympathize with her, some feel pity for her, some say that she committed the crime on her own, and some people are guessing who the high-level Z and X are.Some people were criticizing her for stabbing Liu Yuebo, and some people were discussing who killed Du Ziming.

She gritted her teeth, and found two horrifying bloody photos from the phone album.

She uploaded the photos on Weibo and wrote:

——The love of my life, I will be with you forever, I can't find my way home after you leave.Ziming, I miss you so much.Ziming, wait for me.

She suddenly took a step and ran in the night, running wildly all the way without getting tired, the more she ran, the faster she ran.The wind blew past her ears, Yingmei's heart was filled with the smell of iron rust, she wanted to vomit, she wanted to vomit two mouthfuls of blood, but she stopped abruptly.

Footsteps, stopped in front of a gate called 'Wan Shi Hotel'.She looked up at the hotel chain under Xiao Yunchen's company, with an evil smile on the corner of her mouth.

The hall was surprisingly quiet tonight, and no one seemed to be there.

Yingmei walked through the hall, took the elevator, and went straight to the rooftop.The moment she came out of the elevator, she felt cold under her feet, and her dress was blown by the night wind.Standing on the edge of the rooftop, Yingmei turned on her phone's recording device, recorded a short video, and clicked to send it to Weibo.

Not only that, she also sent the video to Facebook, YouTube, and domestic Yinglan gossip websites.

Then, she put her mobile phone firmly on the fence of the roof, raised her legs and climbed up the fence, stood on the eighteenth floor, looked at the sky in City C, and said affectionately: "Zi Ming, in the next life, I hope I am clean, and I meet you who are clean. In the next life, we will continue our love."

Xuebai opened her arms, and her high-heeled shoes stepped out of the fence, stepping into the void, and she felt the taste of relief.This night, many passengers in Wanshi Hotel saw a touch of red flying down from the sky.

In an instant, the earth bloomed, shattered bones, and dyed red.

That touch of red dyed the sky of the night market red, and the whole city was filled with blood and rain.

(End of this chapter)

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