S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 396 Why are you so stupid

Chapter 396 Why Are You So Stupid (2)
"I'm just stupid, I... can't bear your pain..." He made her suffer once, how could he be willing to let her suffer again.

Luo Tong didn't speak, his heart was full of emotion.

"Tong'er, do you know?" Liu Yuebo frowned once again, he let out a muffled snort, and his body twitched.A small mouthful of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth.Seeing this, Luo Tong quickly picked up his cheek and placed it on her chest.Heartache is about to break. "I beg you, don't say anything, just bear with it, we'll talk about it when you're better, okay?"

Fingers lingered on Liu Yuebo's handsome facial features, tears welled up in Luo Tong's eyes, but did not fall again.

Liu Yuebo's body twitched for about half a minute before gradually calming down. "You let me say..." He opened his mouth and let out a breath, mixed with blood, and pounced on Luo Tong's cheek. "If you don't talk about it, I'm afraid... there will be no chance..."

Luo Tong's heart was full of soreness, she gave a hum before responding: "Say it."

"When the knife stabbed...in my body, although it hurt, I felt so...very good."

"What's good?" Hearing his words, Luo Tong felt an unexplained anger in his heart. "You are too reckless! If Yingmei is more careful and stabs you a few more times, you will go to see the King of Hades right now! You still say yes! What a fart!" Luo Tong became angry and speechless Blocked, and scolded him indiscriminately.

Liu Yuebo frowned and didn't speak, he was also happy when Luo Tong scolded him.

"You blocked a bullet for Xiao Yunchen..." Liu Yuebo took a deep breath, and another mouthful of blood overflowed the corner of his mouth. "Today... I blocked this knife for you. In this way, the entanglement between you and him will be evened out..."

When he said this, his tone was full of relief. "Tong'er, seeing Xiao Yunchen appearing next to you again and again, I'm really...really jealous..." The wound hurt again, blood gushed out from the wound, dyeing the clothes that blocked the wound red, even the back seat of the car, It also turned red.

"Compared to him, I am far worse. His family is powerful, rich and powerful, but me? I... I have nothing but a heart that loves you..." Liu Yuebo said at this moment , suddenly opened his eyes tremblingly, he was staring at Luo Tong's face, his slack eyes were full of concentration.

Luo Tong opened his mouth and directly denied his words, "You don't understand, what I want is nothing else, what I want is your heart full of satisfaction." Except for Liu Yuebo, no one is willing to give her heart .

He is different from Xiao Yunchen and Du Ziming.

They may have loved her once, but they loved themselves more.But Liu Yuebo is different, he loves her with all his heart and no second thoughts, more than his own life.

So, what is there to be dissatisfied with?
Hearing Luo Tong's words, Liu Yuebo blinked, feeling moved in his heart.Focusing on Luo Tong's eyes weakly, Liu Yuebo said again: "Tong'er, I am a man... When facing opponents who are stronger than me, I am also afraid... I will also be timid and unconfident. You have deeply ...I loved him, and I convinced myself to trust you, but...but the object is Xiao Yunchen, I'm not sure that I can beat him..."

"Tong'er, I don't have time to participate in your past, but I extravagantly want to spend the rest of my life with you..." A tear, burning Liu Yuebo's cheeks, trickled down into his neck.Those were his tears, hot tears shed for his true feelings. "I blocked the knife for you, and I realized that I... I am not useless..."

"Cough cough!"

Big mouthfuls of blood spewed out from his mouth, splashing Luo Tong's face.

The hand held by Luo Tong trembled, Liu Yuebo was full of pain, he smiled bitterly, and said again: "Look, I can still bear the pain for you...I can still protect you..." He gradually closed his eyes , I no longer have the strength to support myself, "I can protect you too, this feeling...isn't worthless!"

(End of this chapter)

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