S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 407 I Have Your Child

Chapter 407 I Have Your Child (3)
When An Xin heard this, her heart felt sour and depressed. "I'm thousands of times better than them, and I'm not even a fraction of the person in your heart."

"An Xin..." Xiao Yunchen was speechless.

An Xin pretended to be chic and tossed her hair, and then asked the question she cared most about: "Xiao Yunchen, your father, was it really you who killed him?"

Xiao Yunchen's handsome face froze, and his hands, which were casually resting on his legs, tightened tightly, with such strength that his knuckles turned white. "Hehe..." A strange laugh came from Xiao Yunchen's mouth.

"I killed it. The most exhilarating thing I did in my life was to watch him fall in front of me, struggling to die, until he finally lost his breath!" Xiao Yunchen shook his head, with a look of resentment.An Xin hung her head and did not speak.

"What, are you scared? Do you also want to point at my nose and call me a beast?"

An Xin didn't seem to hear Xiao Yunchen's words, she felt very painful.What exactly did Xiao Yunchen go through in his childhood that made him hate his father so much.She looked at him with no disgust or horror in her eyes, but distressed.

"What did that person do to you?"

Xiao Yunchen's anger was instantly extinguished, he looked at An Xin quietly, more than ten years ago, she was the first person who not only didn't scold him, but cared about him wholeheartedly after she knew that he had killed her father.

"It's all over, is it still useful to talk about it?" Xiao Yunchen calmed down his complicated heart and didn't want to say more.

An Xin was unwilling to let him go, her gentle eyes were full of temptation, she asked: "Did he hit your mother?"

A flash of deep pain flashed in Xiao Yunchen's eyes, but he remained silent.

"Your mother suffered from depression, and that person caused it?"

Xiao Yunchen remained silent.

"He...he hit you too?"

Xiao Yunchen chuckled lowly, the meaning was unclear.

An Xin took his reaction into her eyes, and a guess suddenly appeared in her heart that made her feel unbelievable. "Xiao Yunchen, didn't your mother die of illness?" As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yunchen's whole body trembled, and his breath suddenly became cold.

An Xin covered her mouth, her eyes were full of pain, she was feeling pain for her ex-husband whom she loved deeply. "He killed your mother, didn't he?"

Xiao Yunchen raised his head slowly, looked at An Xin, his eyes were red. "I have an unfortunate, cowardly and poor mother, and a father who killed his wife and abused his son. An Xin, are you disappointed?"

An Xin didn't reply, but shed tears.Xiao Yunchen really wanted to reach out to wipe away her tears, but stopped abruptly. "Don't cry, I don't need your sympathy. That person has gone to hell, and there is no point in crying."

An Xin wiped away her tears with the back of her hand, and then asked him calmly: "Xiao Yunchen, if I give you another chance to be reborn, are you willing to be a normal person in peace?"

Xiao Yunchen narrowed his eyes, "You want to get me out? Forget it! I have already been sentenced to death by traitor and deprived of political rights for life. Even if you have great abilities, you will be powerless. Don't worry, listen to me, you find someone Marry a good man. Keep your eyes open before you marry next time, and don't meet a bastard like me again." Looking at this woman who has been with him for five years without complaint or regret, Xiao Yunchen's heart is rare and soft.

He is not hard-hearted, An Xin is affectionate and righteous to him, he can understand it.

It's just that he already has his own heart and can't respond to her feelings.

"Xiao Yunchen, tell me, why did I fall in love with you bastard!" An Xin stood up suddenly, she glared at Xiao Yunchen, and then angrily said: "I'll go find my grandfather and try to change the death sentence to a reprieve. Xiao Yunchen , wait for me, I won't let you die!" An Xin couldn't bear to stay any longer, she turned around and was about to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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