S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 409 I Have Your Child

Chapter 409 I Have Your Child (6)
Min Xiuzhuang turned his head as if he had sensed it, and he looked at Gu Yanxi expressionlessly, there was no expression on his overly delicate cheeks.Gu Yanxi hurried back into the room, brushed his teeth quickly, and combed his long hair to make it smooth and shiny, and then rushed to Min Xiuzhuang's side.

"I'm in Nanwu Mountain?" No wonder Gu Yanxi didn't know much about it, it's just that this place is too mysterious, he doesn't even have the qualifications to come here.

Min Xiuzhuang was silent.

He closed his eyelids, his long and curly eyelashes fluttered slightly, like feathers, sliding across Gu Yanxi's heart.Gu Yanxi touched his heart that was beating extremely fast, and his earlobes were suspiciously red.

He stepped on his feet and stretched out his hand to touch the branches hanging down from the big tree branch. Unexpectedly, the tree looked very old, but the leaves were extremely delicate and smooth.Gu Yanxi picked a leaf and put it in his hand to play with. The wind blew up from the cliff, blowing his long hair flying.

The long, smooth hair was blown and brushed against Min Soozhuang's cheek inadvertently.Min Xiuzhuang slowly opened his eyes, looked at the enchanting young man with a lazy temperament and exquisite facial features who was playing with the leaves in front of him, and sighed again in his heart.

"Bodhi tree." He said, his voice was as clear and shallow as a stream, gurgling softly.

Gu Yanxi was taken aback for a moment, realizing that Min Xiuzhuang was talking to him on his own initiative, so he hurried to him and sat down cross-legged. "What? What is the linden tree?" He simply put the leaf in his mouth and chewed it slowly.

This leaf tastes a bit bitter, but it can taste sweet when tasted carefully.

Very strange taste.Gu Yanxi swallowed the sap, couldn't help but picked up a piece from the ground, and it didn't feel dirty, so he put it into his mouth and started chewing.A slender jade hand reached out and took the leaf off his mouth.

Gu Yanxi looked sideways at Min Xiuzhuang, Min Xiuzhuang threw away the leaf and said, "Dirty."

Gu Yanxi squinted his eyes, thinking that this person cared about him.

"It tastes good, I like it, but the tree is too tall, and I can't pick fresh leaves." Gu Yanxi blinked her peachy eyes, and the stars and the Milky Way instantly shone brightly.Min Xiuzhuang looked into his eyes and was absent-minded for a moment.

"Hey, you pick some fresh leaves for me, I want to eat."

Min Xiuzhuang looked away with difficulty, he really wanted to correct him, his name was not Hey, his name was Min Xiuzhuang, he was his uncle.But he knew that the child would not listen to him at all. "What are you doing eating leaves, are you hungry?"

"No, I just like the smell of this leaf." Gu Yanxi acted like a rascal, trying to pick up fallen leaves on the ground.Helpless, Min Xiuzhuang couldn't hold back against him, so he had to get up.The two of them are about the same height, Gu Yanxi couldn't pick it up, and naturally Min Xiuzhuang couldn't pick it up either.

Gu Yanxi got up after him, and said with a smile, "I'm holding you, you pick it." He rolled up his sleeves and was about to bend over to hug Min Xiuzhuang's thigh, but Min Xiuzhuang kicked his legs, and the whole person suddenly flew into the air.

Ten jade fingers stretched out sharply, and when Min Xiuzhuang's feet landed on the ground again, he was holding several pieces of emerald green leaves on the palm of his hand.Casting a look of contempt at the bewildered Gu Yanxi, Min Xiuzhuang handed the leaves to him, and the indifferent voice sounded again: "Eat!"

Gu Yanxi held the leaf blankly, joking, his original intention was not to eat this bullshit leaf, he wanted to eat uncle's tofu!

"Why, don't you want to eat?" Seeing Gu Yanxi ignorantly refusing to eat the leaves, Min Xiuzhuang thought to himself, does this child have a brain problem, why is he so stupid?Gu Yanxi swallowed his saliva, put all the leaves in his hand into his mouth, and chewed carelessly.

Gu Yanxi messed up the daily morning cleansing classes.

Min Xiuzhuang walked to the stone table under the big tree, he opened the box on the table, and took out a dagger from it. "What are you going to do?" When Gu Yanxi spoke, the bitter taste of leaves was still lingering on his tongue.

Min Xiuzhuang ignored him, he pulled the dagger out of the scabbard, pointed the blade at his wrist, and cut it off without frowning.


Gu Yanxi snatched the dagger from his hand, but he was a step too late.Blood overflowed from Min Xiuzhuang's wrist and dripped at the bottom of the tree's roots.It was quickly sucked in by the trunk.Gu Yanxi had no time to take care of these, he held the dagger, and angrily asked Min Xiuzhuang: "Are you playing self-mutilation? You're old enough to play such non-mainstream tricks!"

The young man's face was full of displeasure, and even vaguely angry.

Min Xiuzhuang looked at the young man filled with righteous indignation, as if he saw himself 20 years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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