S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 417 Even if the world is old, I will accompany you

Chapter 417 Even if the world is old, I will accompany you (5)
Zhutong turned to look at the man in black, with a rare look of apology on his face, "Sister Ruo, did something happen to her?" Every time he got sick, he couldn't control his consciousness and behavior. He remembered that when he first got sick that year, He killed 12 people overnight with his bare hands...

That night was his nightmare all these years.

Seeing the most genuine concern in Zhu Tong's eyes, Gu Nuoxian was filled with anger and dissipated for no reason. "Should have suffered some injuries." Gu Nuoxian walked to the sofa and sat down. He looked around the room and saw several deep fingernail marks, his eyes changed a bit.

"Zhutong, would you mind telling me what's going on?"

Jungui's cheeks were half hidden under the dim light, and Gu Nuoxian had a strange aura all over his body.He looked into Zhutong's eyes, full of suspicion and hostility.The nails on Zhutong's fingers hadn't completely faded, and he moved his fingers feeling exhausted.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry, I can't tell you."

The small round tea table in the hotel was smashed to pieces by Gu Nuoxian's palm. "Zhutong, do you really think I dare not kill you?" The man stood up, walked gracefully to the bed, looked down at Zhutong's harmless face, Gu Nuoxian's eyes were full of murderous intent. "Say, who are you!"

Zhutong was not afraid of his threat at all, he raised his chin, looked at Gu Nuoxian with stubborn eyes, but smiled coldly. "Mr. Gu, what if you say it, what if you don't?" Zhutong shook her head and laughed at herself. "Why, if I tell you my difficulties, will you save me?"

Gu Nuoxian pursed her lips and became silent.

"I've searched for so many years but still haven't recovered completely. Mr. Gu, I advise you to rest easy. Don't waste time on me. You just need to know that I have no intention of harming sister Ruo." After he finished speaking, he propped himself up on the bed On the ground, the body is still shaking a little. "Mr. Gu, I will take the initiative to ask Sister Ruo to resign, so you don't need to waste your time."

After he finished speaking, he left the room with weak steps.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the thin back of the young man, and asked suddenly: "Zhutong, you really don't want to tell me, who sent you to approach Ji Ruo?" He said: "Mr. Gu, if you have the ability, you can check it yourself." After speaking, Zhutong left without looking back.

Gu Nuoxian clenched his hands tightly, his eyes filled with violence.


"Sister Ruo, I'm sorry."

Zhutong leaned against the corridor at the door of Ji Ruofang, speaking calmly.Ji Ruo looked at the bright light in the aisle outside the door, she couldn't see Zhutong, but she could see Zhutong's figure under the light.Under the illumination of the light, Zhutong's figure is slender and slender, so thin that it makes people feel distressed.

Ji Ruo entangled her hands, feeling a little uneasy.

"Xiao Tong..."


"You..." Ji Ruo drooped her eyes, averting the thousands of scenery in her eyes. "I don't blame you, don't blame yourself." She took a deep breath and said again: "But I can't keep you anymore, Xiaotong, you can go."

After she finished speaking, she lay down and dozed off, but her heart was not peaceful at all.

Zhutong shrugged, his clear eyes were stained with unknown sadness.

"Sister Ruo, I'm leaving, take care." Zhutong left in a hurry, afraid that something would catch up behind her.

When Gu Nuoxian went upstairs, he happened to see the back of Zhutong leaving.He paused in the corridor, looked at Zhutong's back thoughtfully for a long time, then turned and entered Ji Ruo's room.

"Has the monitoring disappeared?" Ji Ruoping lay down, his face still pale.Gu Nuoxian walked to her side and lay down on his side, hugged her in his arms, and said: "All disappeared, I watched the video, his condition is very dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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