Chapter 443 IQ Arrears and Good Eyesight (2)
"You are so beautiful." Liu Yuebo quickly took a sip on her face, not to mention how happy she was, this is his bride.Beautiful and touching. "Is this wedding dress from the Sexy-Bride family?"

The half of Luo Tong's face that had been kissed by Liu Yuebo was a little hot, she seemed to nod her head clearly, and then said: "Ah Ruo bought this for me, I still feel like I've been on a roller coaster in my heart, Qishang It's under eight." The last time Ji Ruo got married, she gave her a famous watch, which cost almost one-third of Luo Tong's savings.

The wedding dress that Ji Ruo gave her this time was comparable to the total amount of her savings.

Luo Tong deserved such a great gift.

"Already bought it?" Liu Yuebo was taken aback, it seemed that his movements were a step slower.Luo Tong nodded, and leaned against him, tired from wandering outside, and felt drowsy by leaning on Liu Yuebo. "Sleepy?" He stared at Luo Tong's beautiful side face with a soft voice.


Liu Yuebo stepped aside and pulled Luo Tong to lie beside him. "Sleep in my bed tonight."

Luo Tong was really sleepy, and there was no dispute.Worried about hurting Liu Yuebo's wound, Luo Tong has been sleeping in the family hospital bed these days, and the two of them haven't slept together like this for a long time.There was the breath of the moon wave on the tip of the nose, Luo Tong carefully arched into his arms, and soon fell asleep.

Liu Yuebo stared at her profile for a while to confirm that she was really asleep, and then got out of bed with a cane under his armpit.He went to the toilet to wash his face, and solved his physical problems before he took out his mobile phone and made an ocean call.

"Hello, Alan, I'm Liu Yuebo. Last time we met at the commemorative reception for the 100th anniversary of the establishment of LK International in Country Y, do you still remember?"

"Liu Yuebo? Is that handsome man from country C?" The person on the other end of the phone spoke English with a pure accent, sounding like a gentleman.

"It's me, I didn't expect you to remember."

"Oh! Mr. Liu is so handsome and elegant, I can't do it if I don't remember. Mr. Liu, you call me yourself, what's the matter?" Allen held a pencil in his right hand and was dancing quickly on the straw paper. Under the pen of the author, a magnificent and gorgeous ring has begun to take shape.

"It's like this. My sweetheart and I are going to get married next month. I love her so much and want to make a unique ring for her. I've been thinking for a long time that the whole world can bring her this The surprise is none other than you. Alan, I would like to ask you to design a pair of wedding rings for us." Liu Yuebo stood in front of the window leaning on a cane, watching the nurses and doctors on duty passing by outside the window, with a sincere tone.

With a sharp stroke, Alan's beautiful blue eyes, like sea water, showed a little brilliance. "When will Mr. Liu get married next month?"

"number 22."

Allen narrowed his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "Time is too tight, and I can't make it in time. Designing a ring requires inspiration, and it takes time to make it. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I can't accept this business."

Liu Yuebo was silent for two seconds before chuckling and said: "Everyone talks about Alan. Mr. Norman is a genius. If I give you a design concept, you can design a work that people can't pick out flaws and that people can't put it down. It seems that , the rumors are indeed rumors, and should not be true."

"Are you provoking me?" Allen held a pencil in his right hand, and tapped the barrel of the pen on his temple. The deep outline was hidden in the slightly dim light, and there was impatience between his brows.Liu Yuebo laughed again, "That's right, I was provoking you. I heard from your brother that you are a boy who can't stand provocative methods..."

"God, my brother is so immoral!" Thinking of his brother, Alan felt helpless. "Come on, I'll take over your job! It just so happens that I haven't been to country C for many years. If you welcome me, I would also like to come to your wedding." By the way, go to see his brother who hasn't been home for several years .

(End of this chapter)

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