S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 449 Company Physical Examination

Chapter 449 Company Physical Examination (2)
He looked down at Ling Mo who was eating oranges, waved his hand, and said, "If you want to jump, take off your shoes and jump on it. This sofa is made of leather, so it won't break." His voice was so cold.

Ling Mo didn't understand why the leather sofa wouldn't break, but he understood the previous sentence, he could jump on this beautiful big sofa.

He quickly took off his shoes, and then jumped up and down on the sofa under Gu Nuoxian's eyes that clearly stated that you are very childish.He's like a ball with endless energy.Steward Chen recorded this scene with a camera in his hand. It is said that he wanted to save it and show it to the grown-up young masters in the future.

Tired of dancing, Ling Mo didn't have the novelty at first.

His small body fell on the sofa mountain, his head was sweating.Ouyang Weixun took out a piece of paper, wiped his sweat, and then asked, "Tired from playing?" Ling Mo's small eyes widened, and he just looked at Ouyang Weixun nakedly, "Yeah."

"Get up and sit down when you're tired, don't lie down like this, it's rude."

"Okay." Hearing this, Ling Mo reluctantly got up, and then sat like Ouyang Weixun.However, the other man in the room heard this, and his mood suddenly became less pleasant.Gu Nuoxian kicked Ouyang Weixun's calf with his foot, of course, the force was well controlled.

"You accuse Sang and scold Huai, saying I'm rude, right?" Master Nuo suddenly regretted taking such a child home.

Look, you can point at Sang and scold Huai at a young age, and you can still get it when you grow up.

Ouyang Weixun patted his calf, acting like I dislike you, but didn't answer.

With sword eyebrows raised, Gu Nuoxian sat up straight suddenly, looking like a nobleman in his clothes.However, this is all an illusion. "Ouyang Weixun! Do you believe that I will throw you on the African battlefield tomorrow?"

Ouyang Weixun snorted coldly, and replied, "Throw it away!"

"Throw it away!" Master Nuo was furious, he took off his clothes and jacket and threw it on the sofa, thinking that he was crazy to ask for trouble and bring back such a troublesome thing.Or Ling Mo's balls are cute, he can act coquettishly and cute, not like Ouyang Weixun.

Ji Ruo went downstairs with two bags of things, and saw the father and son who had started to make all kinds of quarrels just after entering the room, and felt a little dizzy. "Gu Nuoxian, are you naive? Stare at a child!" Ji Ruo felt ashamed.

Gu Nuoxian's face froze, he turned his head to look at Ji Ruo, and there was grievance in his eyes.Ji Ruo was stunned, and secretly cursed that being too good-looking is not good, every time she uses a beauty trick, she can make her submit.

She gave Gu Nuoxian a look of contempt before she walked to the sofa and sat down, opened the bag, and took out a lot of toys from it.

"Come on, this is a meeting gift prepared by your uncles and aunts at home, come and have a look." Ji Ruo unfolded the toy on the table and called the two little guys over.As soon as he heard the gift, Ling Mo, who was a little tired just now, regained his strength.

Ouyang Weixun dared to challenge Gu Nuoxian, but he didn't dare to neglect Ji Ruo, and obediently came over.

Looking at the table full of gifts, Ling Mo's eyes sparkled, "Is this all for us?" He picked up a box, which was a model car.Ling Mo turned his head to look at Ji Ruo, with a smile that couldn't be hidden in his small eyes, and suspicion.

"Yeah, it's all from you and brother. These are gifts from uncles and aunts and the housekeeper. You should say thank you." Ji Ruo never thought that one day, she would become so patient.And for two kids.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the more and more smiles on Ji Ruo's face, and suddenly felt that Ouyang Weixun was not so obtrusive anymore.

Although this son is a bit awkward, it is also a good thing to make Ji Ruo smile more.

(End of this chapter)

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