S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 465 The Mysterious Package

Chapter 465 The Mysterious Package (1)
In the gloomy atmosphere, there was only the sound of Gu Nuoxian tapping the keyboard with his thin white fingers.

Ye Junran frowned, folded his arms around his chest, and tapped his arms with his fingers.His exquisite and charming lips were tightly pressed together, and his indifferent temperament gradually became strange and strong.

Gu Yanxi leaned against Allen, his four eyes stared at Gu Nuoxian who had been typing on the keyboard for 2 minutes.

Gu Nuoxian exhaled and quickly pressed the OK button.

On the blue screen, English characters that seemed to be chaotic and chaotic were jumping rapidly, and then the computer went black.Two seconds later, a white map appeared on the screen, and dozens of red dots flickered on the map.

Gu Nuoxian dragged the keyboard with his fingers, and clicked on a flashing red dot called Chun'an Road.

The screen is zoomed in, and a driving video is played automatically.

The constant flow of vehicles, coming and going.

"What car did Yiqing drive today, and what's the license plate number?"

"White SSC—Tuatara, license plate number CY01099." Ye Junran answered eloquently.

Gu Nuoxian nodded. The SSC-Tuatara super sports car is not affordable for ordinary people. Such a luxury car is destined to attract attention when it is driven on the road, but it greatly increases the probability of them discovering the sports car.

The picture slowly faded away, and after five or six minutes, a white supercar suddenly appeared in the video.Gu Nuoxian sat up straight and said in a deep voice, "Here it is!"

Several people stood behind him at the same time, their eyes staring at the computer screen without blinking.

The video shows that the white supercar stopped halfway in front of a car repair shop, and a girl in a gray T-shirt and black tight trousers got out of the car.She crouched by the front wheel and looked, it seemed that there was something wrong with the car.

At this time, an uncle in black walked towards her, and the two exchanged a few words. An Yiqing sat back in the car and drove the car to the car repair shop.After a while, she walked by the side of the road again, kicking stones and playing with nothing to do.At this moment, a car accident suddenly occurred in the middle of the road, and a child was hit by a car that was driving rapidly.

The child was knocked several meters away, and then hit the ground hard.

An Yiqing ran towards the boy. At this time, other passing drivers noticed the situation and stopped and got out of the car to watch, talking non-stop.An Yiqing was surrounded by a group of people. The video could only see the moving heads of people, but not what those people looked like.

Within a few minutes, the police and doctors arrived. At this time, the crowd dispersed, but An Yiqing was nowhere to be seen!

Several people looked at each other, and their faces sank at the same time.

"Play back." Ye Junran said.

Gu Nuoxian dragged the mouse, and the screen reverted back to when the child landed on the ground.

An Yiqing walked towards the child, and the surrounding vehicles stopped, and the drivers and passengers approached the child one after another, enveloping An Yiqing.Everyone was watching intently, when Ji Ruo suddenly paused.

"What's wrong? What did you find?" Gu Nuoxian turned her head to look at Ji Ruo. She was so thoughtful that she could always surprise him.Ji Ruo shook his head, Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes, and was about to continue, but Ji Ruo hesitated and said, "All of these people have problems."

"How to say?"

Ji Ruo pointed at the screen, and she said, "Look, where these cars are parked." Several people looked along the point Ji Ruo pointed at, and a dozen cars landed unevenly on the road. At first glance, there is nothing unusual.But if you look closely, there is something tricky.

Gu Nuoxian's eyes changed, and he said: "The road is divided into three lanes, and the child's position is on the middle lane, but on his left, that is, on the left lane, there are exactly four cars parked in sequence. One of them The car was two meters in front of the left side of the child's slope, the two cars in the middle were just adjacent to the vehicle that caused the accident, and the fourth car was two meters behind the slope of the vehicle that caused the accident."

(End of this chapter)

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