S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 469 Threat Video

Chapter 469 Threat Video (2)
Su Xi's voice is gentle, and when she comforts others, it is very reassuring.Cang Jianjia looked up at her, eyes full of worry that never had much emotion. "I hope so."


Until noon, Yanmen's subordinates did not find An Yiqing's whereabouts.After that, there was no new courier delivery, An Yiqing seemed to have evaporated, and there was no news at all.

A group of people stayed at An's house and didn't speak much.

On the way, Gu Lingmo called. Ji Ruo told him to eat well, and told Butler Chen to take good care of him, and then hung up the phone.

"Ruoruo, come over for dinner."

The body is the capital of the revolution. If this kind of thing happens, we still have to eat.The cook brought all the dishes to the table, Gu Nuoxian saw Ji Ruo hanging up the phone with a worried look, and there was reluctance in his eyes. "Don't worry, nothing will happen to Momo."

Ji Ruo glanced at Gu Nuoxian and nodded slightly.

At this time, she can only choose to believe him.

Sitting around the banquet, a group of people looked at the table full of food, all of whom could not taste the taste.Alan picked up a braised lion's head and was about to put it in his mouth when Ye Junran suddenly said, "Yiqing likes to eat braised lion's head the most."

The room was silent.

Everyone turned their heads to look at Ye Junran, some couldn't put their chopsticks down.

Ai was chewing the lion's head, when he heard what his brother said, his throat choked up, and he swallowed the whole lion's head down his throat.


He patted his chest and thought to himself that this meal was really frightening.Ye Junran handed him a glass of water, pretending to smile easily. "Eat slowly, don't choke."

Allen took a sip from the water glass in a daze, then bowed his head and took a sip to eat.An Xiyao put down his chopsticks, crossed his chest and looked at the only empty seat at the table, feeling very worried.He is the most precious to An Yiqing, and his love for An Yiqing cannot be described as doting.

Now that something happened to An Yi, as a father, how could he still eat?

Time passed by, and while An's family was anxiously waiting, in an abandoned house somewhere in the North City, more than a dozen big men were pointing guns at a girl who had her head down and was still awake.

On a solid wooden bench, An Yiqing's eyes were covered with black cloth strips, and her arms were tied behind her back, bound together with the bench.She shrugged her head, her lips were dry, and she had been in a coma for more than twenty hours.

"Anzi, do you think this medicine is overdosed? It seems that the day is almost over, and the girl hasn't woken up yet, so she must have overdosed and killed her right away!" Wearing a green T-shirt, The man in his early thirties was sweating profusely.

In the room with bigger farts, there were more than a dozen men standing or sitting.

On the ceiling, only a ceiling fan swayed and creaked.The fast food boxes scattered on the ground were piled together, with mosquitoes buzzing and dancing on them, a group of people were sweating profusely, and their ferocious faces were full of impatience and impatience.

"Lao Yang, don't talk nonsense, we just need to obey the orders from above, we don't care whether she lives or dies!" The thin monkey man called a saddle by Lao Yang kicked Lao Yang, and simply sat down on the floor.

"Damn it, it's so hot!"

Saddle pulled the collar of his shirt, sweat dripping all over his body.

A group of people also sat on the floor, and more than a dozen big men stared at An Yiqing with wide eyes.Suddenly, a phone rang.

Lao Yang shuddered all over, quickly took out his mobile phone, and said respectfully, "Hi, boss!"

"She's not awake yet!"

"It looks like I won't wake up for a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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