S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 471 Threat Video

Chapter 471 Threat Video (5)
Gu Yanxi shook his head at Alan before saying, "Be quiet!"

It was only then that Allen remembered that it was not suitable to complain about these things at this time, so he calmed down.Several pairs of eyes were staring at the video, and a thought was about to emerge in their hearts!Several people looked at each other, and their eyes changed at the same time.

As if to verify their thoughts, the voices of those conversations disappeared, and then, a group of masked men and a girl tied to a solid wooden bench broke into the video.


Ye Junran's pupils shrank, and his whole body froze instantly.

An's couple watched the TV screen nervously, their hands were tightly clasped together, Cang Jian Jia's fingers were almost inserted into An Xiyao's flesh.

"Miss An, say hello to our audience friends!" The big man with a gun opened his mouth. His voice was obviously processed through technology, and it sounded a little deep and cold.The girl whose eyes were covered raised her head and looked at the man through the darkness. She replied coldly, "Hmph! A bunch of trash!"

The man slapped An Yiqing six times, all on An Yiqing's left cheek.

An Yiqing groaned and vomited blood, but did not shout.Cang Jianjia's heart shrank, and she suddenly yelled: "Yiqing!" She stood up suddenly, the veins on her arms twitched violently.An Xiyao held back his anger and grabbed Cang Jianjia, who was about to run away, and said forcefully, "Jianjia! Calm down!"

Cang Jianjia's eyes were red, looking at An Yiqing who was slapped again on the TV, her heart was bleeding.

Ye Junran's hands hanging down on both sides were tightly squeezed together, and his whole body was plunged into a chill.Alan moved closer to Gu Yanxi, not daring to get too close to his brother.Brother's aura is too dangerous at this time, scarier than demons.

With a gunshot, several people in the hall missed a beat at the same time.

"Stinky bitch! From now on, if I read a sentence, you should read the same sentence, otherwise, I will replace a word with a bullet and beat you into a skeleton! When the time comes, we will see who your parents cry for!"

In the video, I thought of the cold machine processing sound again.

An Yiqing was silent for two seconds, then nodded slowly.

The man in the black mask took out a piece of paper and muttered:
"Sad people, do you know how dirty and despicable this country you love and love is! This country that uses the banner of democracy and implements dictatorship rights, I want everyone to see your ugly face!"

"The soldiers who were loyal to you were slandered by you as traitors! You carried cold weapons and wore criminal uniforms, broke into the houses, and slaughtered my whole family!"

"Tell me, what should I do to appease the 34 innocent sacrificed souls!"

"Tell me, what can I do to compensate for the pain I have experienced in the past 14 years!"

The cold voice read out words full of hatred and curses word by word.Under the coercion of the masked man, An Yiqing slowly said the words against her will.When Cang Jianjia heard these words, all blood was gone on her face.She looked down at the floor, her eyes glazed over. "It's him... that remnant has returned!"

"The him you are talking about is the child who was missing for 14 years that grandpa said before he died?" An Xiyao was also confused at the moment.

If it's that person, it's really bad!

Cang Jianjia nodded, her face was as white as snow.

"Cang Juexiao, do you think that all the sins you committed will be forgiven when you die? I will let you know that if you do something wrong, you must pay the price! You slaughtered 34 members of my family back then, and now I Come back with full wings, I want a little bit, and slowly slaughter all of your Cang family!" The masked man said again, no one saw him, and his hand with the gun shook.Cang Juexiao, isn't it the founding marshal who passed away not long ago?
An Yiqing's pretty face froze, and she couldn't say the word Cang Juexiao no matter what.

"Damn it, read it to me!" The masked man kicked An Yiqing alone.

The bench fell down with a bang, and An Yiqing rolled over and fell to the ground.

The masked man fired several shots at An Yiqing's surroundings, and then roughly kicked her from the ground with one hand. "Bitch! Are you reading or not?"

An Yiqing's shoulders were pulled by the masked man's hands. She smiled coldly, raised her head, rolled her throat, and opened her mouth to spit on the man's face. "Go away! You don't deserve to call him by his name!"

"Damn it, you're shameless, you don't know how to praise!" The masked man let go of his hand suddenly, and An Yiqing fell to the ground, kicking and kicking on her body ruthlessly.

All the people outside the screen held their breath, and their faces were ugly.

"An Xiyao, if you want to see your daughter, prepare us 50 billion in cash! Tomorrow evening, wait for our call! If you don't know your face, then your daughter's body will be sent to all parts of the country by us bit by bit. !"

The video ends here.

(End of this chapter)

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