S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 483 Is a Gluttonous Death Feast 1 More

Chapter 483 Is a Gluttonous Death Feast Second Watch (4)
Gu Nuoxian squinted her eyes, and asked back: "The sky hasn't fallen yet, why are you panicking?" Ji Ruo suddenly stopped, and she stared at Gu Nuoxian with complicated eyes, as if she was looking at a stranger. "Gu Nuoxian, I found that sometimes, you are really cold-blooded."

The man's cold gaze was a little more surprised and a little annoyed.

Still looking at Ji Ruo calmly, seeing that Ji Ruo was not so excited, Gu Nuoxian said gracefully: "Cold-blooded? Then you should have a good rest, and warm me up when you wake up." He smiled slightly, his tone raised, Asked: "Is it okay?"

Ji Ruo was slightly startled, and the anger in her heart suddenly disappeared. "You...be careful." She was just worried about letting him go on an adventure alone, but she forgot that this man has been alone for 20 years, and he has never seen anything serious happen to him.

"Good." Gu Nuoxian patted her on the head, and Ji Ruo squinted at him coldly.Gu Nuoxian smiled, and withdrew his hand embarrassingly.

Seeing Ji Ruo went upstairs, Gu Nuoxian said to the bodyguard: "Look at Madam, don't let her go out!" If she goes out at this time, there may be troubles.The bodyguard lost the second young master in the afternoon, how dare he be negligent now.

He straightened his body, shook his tiger's body, and roared: "Don't worry, I promise to complete the task!"

Gu Nuoxian glanced at the bodyguard, his eyes were cold.

The bodyguard shook his shoulders, knowing that if there was something wrong with protecting Ji Ruo, he would not be far away from moving his head.

Song Yu drove the car himself, and set off to Qingyun Villa with Gu Nuoxian.

After a complicated registration procedure, this was allowed to enter.The car stopped more than 200 meters in front of Youze Villa, Song Yu drove the car for Gu Nuoxian himself, and said: "Master Nuo, our people are lurking around, if something happens, you just need to shoot twice, and we will respond in time." Come."

Gu Nuoxian glanced at Song Yu, who was full of vigilance, "He won't do anything to me." After Gu Nuoxian finished speaking, he raised his slender legs and walked towards Youze's house.

Seeing Gu Nuoxian, You Ze's subordinates immediately raised their guns and yelled, "Stop!"

Gu Nuoxian really stopped obediently.

Seeing that Gu Nuoxian had no intention of resisting, the subordinates who were facing the enemy breathed a sigh of relief, but they still did not dare to lower their vigilance. "What are you doing here?" They had chased Eric for several years, and now seeing him in person, they really wanted to pounce on him like wolves and tear him to pieces.

But without the order of their superiors, they dare not act rashly.

"See You Ze." He said coldly.

Dick was stunned, with some doubts in his heart, but he didn't show it. "Wait! I'm going to ask the major!" He entered the villa with a gun in his hand, and the other soldiers pointed their guns at Gu Nuoxian.

Being pointed at by several guns at close range, out of nature, Gu Nuoxian screamed with blood all over his body.

His hands were itchy, he really wanted to kill these people!But...he came here this time to ask for something, so he had to restrain the restlessness in his heart.The man stood gracefully in front of the muzzle of the gun. On the rooftop, You Ze stared at the fearless man below him with his eyes full of admiration again.

He deserved to be a criminal who had been tracked down by him for more than ten years and could not be subdued.

"Major, did you capture him, or shoot him?" Dick stood behind You Ze, his eyes agitated.You Ze glanced outside the villa, with playfulness in his eyes, "He's not a fool, he won't come here alone." His people must be nearby.

He didn't show up, but he wanted to lower his profile.

"Let him in."

"What?" Dick couldn't believe it, "such a good opportunity, if I don't take the opportunity to kill him, I will not be convinced!"

(End of this chapter)

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