S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 492 She is my whole world

Chapter 492 She Is My World (5)

Dong Sheng kept kowtowing and pleading guilty for a full 3 minutes!

After 3 minutes, he put his hands on his knees and stood up slowly.Dong Sheng walked back to the podium with stiff legs, he sighed softly in front of the microphone, and said sorry: "I'm sorry, I let this country and its people down! I have submitted my application for resignation. Since then, I will move out of the Zihai Palace compound and willingly accept the judgment of the law!"

When a gentleman breaks the law, he commits the same crime as the common people.

If he did something wrong, he has to admit it!

Hearing this, the reporter finally lost his composure.

"Mr. President, do you really want to resign as president?"

Dong Sheng didn't answer directly, but walked towards the lounge with his hands hanging in front of his lower abdomen.Sun An blocked the reporters and the media and said, "Sorry, Your Excellency the President is not accepting any interviews right now!" Surrounded by bodyguards, Dong Sheng gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.


Zhutong opened the closed curtains, only to find that today's sky is blue and cloudless.

Look, it's really clean.

It's too clean, so he can't like it in his heart.He pressed the phone key and sent a text message.

In the Great Hall, a middle-aged man heard a processed voice from the headset in his ear: proceed as planned.The man squinted his eyes when he heard this, touched his pocket with his fingers, and walked towards the presidential lounge.


"Come in."

Dong Sheng raised his head and saw that it was Sun An who pushed the door and entered, his expression relaxed. "Have those reporters gone?" Sun An nodded, went to the tea set and squatted down, and poured Dong Sheng a cup of Longjing tea himself.

"Your Excellency, please have tea." Sun An handed the tea to the desk, and Dong Sheng smiled at him, then took a sip from the cup of tea.After taking a sip of the warm tea, his body also warmed up a bit. "After drinking a cup of tea, I suddenly feel that life is just like this." Life is all about a sip of tea.

Sun Jingjing listened to Dong Sheng's speech, but did not respond.

Seeing that Dong Sheng bowed his head again to prepare for the work handover, he quietly exited the office.Sun An walked out of the president's office, walked through the lobby, and walked out of the auditorium smoothly with a face that the guards were familiar with.

The man went to a deserted place, got into the car that was already waiting here, and then took out his mobile phone to make a call: "Boss, the task has been completed, you should call my card for the remaining money."

Zhutong pulled out a corner of the curtain, stretched out his left hand into the sun, felt the warmth of the sun, and said softly: "The commission has been paid to your card, and whether you can leave country C smoothly depends on your ability."

"Boss is such a cheerful person. It's a pleasure working with you." The man hung up the phone and the car stopped in a crowded place.He got out of the car again and changed into a casual outfit.

Walking on the hot street with a normal face, the man took the phone card out of the phone, folded it in half, and threw it into the underground passage. He also dismantled the phone and threw it into different trash cans.

Then, the figure disappeared into the mighty crowd.


In the office, Dong Sheng unbuttoned the first button of his Chinese tunic suit. At this moment, the knock on the door rang again.He raised his head and saw Sun An who came in and had just left.Surprise flashed in his eyes, and he asked, "Xiao Sun, why did you come in again?"

Sun An frowned, confused. "Your Excellency, what do you mean by that? I have been dealing with reporters just now, and I have never been to the office." Dong Sheng's complexion changed suddenly when he heard the words, and he suddenly felt a pain in his heart.He stood up abruptly, pointing to the cup of tea. "Tea..." He stared at the cup of tea that he drank cleanly, his heart ached even worse, and he couldn't say another word.

(End of this chapter)

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