S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 572 Don't Touch Me, This Is My Husband

Chapter 572 Don’t Touch Me, This Is My Husband (4)
It was very difficult for him to express, but Ji Ruo understood.

A child is not stupid, he knows that he is not as good as Gu Weixun, and cannot make a big career, so he wants to do his best to do some small things within his ability for this family and the people he cares about.

Mommy eats the rice cooked by Daddy. Because it is delicious, she can eat a lot.So he will also cook in the future, delicious and delicious meals, and let Daddy, Mommy and brother eat many bowls of bowls.

His thinking is as simple as that.

Simple and ordinary, but sincere and real.

Gu Nuoxian was silent, he put away the contempt in his eyes, and stopped laughing at the little dream in the child's heart.


At noon, Gu Nuoxian cooked the kitchen himself. For the first time, he put a chair in the kitchen.Putting Gu Lingmo on the chair, Gu Nuoxian asked him to observe the whole process of his cooking.

Sitting on the sofa, Ji Ruo occasionally looked up at the kitchen, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.


After eating, Ji Ruo was about to go to bed again, when Luo Tong called and asked her to log in to Weibo.When Ji Ruo asked what happened, Luo Tong just kept laughing wildly, and didn't tell her exactly what happened.

Full of doubts, she opened Weibo, and Ji Ruo saw many people posting about her.

Luo Tong: Please ignore Fan Er's child with terminal cancer, I don't know her.Luo Tong hit her behind the scenes.

Ye Junran: I have to say, Ah Ruo, you opened my eyes wide.

Lin Feitong: Damn, is this Ji Ruo?Oh my god, I am really cute!Mengwang, please let go of that tree and come towards me!
Ji Ruo was at a loss, so she exited the private message page, opened the search page, pressed the word Ji Ruo, and a long list of hot search words that Ji Ruo was familiar with appeared below.But today, there is an extra row of content below the search bar:
Ji Ruo hugged a tree and called her husband.


Ji Ruo shook her hand and opened the hot search on Weibo.

Seeing this, his face almost turned black.

The so-called 'Ji Ruo Hugs a Tree and Calls Her Husband' is a video.The video was obviously shot at night. Ji Ruo, who was wearing a white shirt and black jeans, hugged a big tree and refused to let go.

In the video, there is also a mosaiced man who has been pulling her and coaxing her gently, "Ruo Ruo, let's go back and stop making trouble."

Ji Ruo waved the man's hand away, and shouted, "This is my husband, don't touch him! No one can separate us!"

The man said again: "Hey, my husband is here. My husband knows that you love me. Stop making trouble. There are so many people watching!"

Ji Ruo cried and fussed: "Just watch it! I have a husband, why can't I show it to them? My husband can go to the kitchen and go to the hall, can make money and can support the family, let them watch as much as they want!" Trunk, sometimes called husband, sometimes called Gu Nuoxian.

People can't laugh or cry.

As the person involved, Ji Ruo felt mixed feelings after watching this video.Ji Ruo leaned her head against the head of the bed, her heart was so cold that she wanted to die.

At this time, Gu Nuoxian, who was working in the study upstairs, posted a Weibo for the first time, saying:

Sorry, the family education is not strict, let everyone see a joke.It's all gone, I will watch her in the future, and promise not to let her hug a tree and call her husband again.He also tagged Ji Ruo in the back, and wrote: Miss Ji, my husband is here, do you want that tree or me?

Ji Ruo: "..."

This video was completely spread on the Internet. In addition to the title of King Gao Lengmeng, Ji Ruo got a new title——

Tree Hugging Demon.


(End of this chapter)

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