S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 578 The scenery is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as you

Chapter 578 The scenery is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as you (3)
After dinner, Ji Ruo went upstairs with the gift from Su Xi.

She opened it, glanced at the pile of things in the box, and blushed suddenly.

"looking at what?"

Gu Nuoxian pulled off his tie and walked into the room, he unbuttoned his shirt and looked at Ji Ruo curiously.Ji Ruo quickly closed the box, and then pretended to be relaxed and said, "It's nothing, just some underwear, I'll pack it up and put it in the suitcase."


Gu Nuoxian didn't suspect anything, he completely stripped off and went into the bathroom.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the three of the Gu family set off from home to the airport together.Gu Lingmo dressed very coolly today.A blue canvas cap, a white T-shirt with a khaki slim jacket, a pair of light green slacks, and a pair of white casual shoes.

Although she is small, she is still an eye-catching young lady standing at the airport.It is October day now, he is dressed like this, neither demeanor nor warmth.

Gu Nuoxian wore a pair of sunglasses, and a black ankle-length coat over a white shirt. He held Gu Lingmo in his left hand, and dragged the suitcase with his right hand. His footsteps were like the wind, without any signs of fatigue.Ji Ruo was also wearing a black coat, and she was walking beside Gu Nuoxian carrying a bag. The family of three dressed in trendy and fashionable clothes, but they all lowered their heads.

Passers-by looked at them and talked a lot.

Some people think they look familiar, and they are far away, and they can't see who they are for a while.

After walking to the departure hall, Ji Ruo saw Song Yu who was waiting here.

"Assistant Song is going with us?"

Gu Nuoxian hummed, without further explanation.

Song Yu was not the only one accompanying him.Besides him, there is also a group of DS elite bodyguards. Gu Nuoxian's travel is a big deal.Every time he travels, he has bodyguards behind him, and Ji Ruo just didn't notice it.

A group of four boarded the plane, and Song Yu sat with Gu Lingmo.

Ji Ruo is with Gu Nuoxian.

It was Gu Lingmo's first time flying on a plane, and he had endless energy.He kept asking Song Yu all the time, and Song Yu was also suffering.Song Yu has always been a taciturn person, today he was chased by a child to ask this and that, he might not answer, and he was worried that Master Nuo thought he was incompetent.

Promise, he is really annoying again.

"Hey, Uncle Song, you said how did this plane fly?" Gu Lingmo ate the biscuits brought from home and drank the orange juice prepared on the plane, his cheeks puffed up.Song Yu frowned, he hugged Gu Lingmo in his arms, and said, "Did you see out the window?"

Gu Lingmo nodded and took another biscuit.

"Let me tell you, the child who keeps chattering will be thrown out by the plane. At that time, you will fall from a height of [-] meters. Crack!" Song Yu pushed Gu Lingmo forward with a vicious tone. "And then you're thrown into a puddle of mud."

Gu Lingmo was startled, a mouthful of biscuits stuck in his throat, unable to get up or down. "Then... how much do I talk?" Gu Lingmo asked cautiously, for fear that if he talked too much, he would fall off.

Song Yu rewarded him with one, and he was talking about your eyes.

Gu Lingmo struggled to swallow the biscuit, and then he climbed off Song Yu's body, and obediently sat down on his seat.He fastened his seat belt and never said another word.A few hours later, Ji Ruo came back from going to the bathroom, and asked him concerned: "Momo, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Gu Lingmo looked at her with his eyes open, and shook his head silently.

Ji Ruo was taken aback, "You don't want to go to the bathroom?"

Gu Lingmo nodded again.

"Then are you hungry? Mommy will bring you something to eat if you are hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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