S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 580 The scenery is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as you

Chapter 580 The scenery is beautiful, but it is not as beautiful as you (5)
They rested in the hotel for most of the day before taking a flight to Cairns in the north in the afternoon of the second day.After more than three hours, they got off the plane and took a private jet to the Whitsunday Islands in the Great Barrier Reef.

From then on, the journey officially began.

Gu Nuoxian and his party did not stay in a hotel, but in a luxurious Mediterranean-style villa.The villa is located in Mandalay Point of the Whitsunday Islands. Living here for one day costs millions of dollars per day.Staying with them, there is also a couple from country M and a couple from country Y.

Gu Lingmo seemed to have endless energy. As soon as he got off the helicopter, he pulled Ji Ruo and asked her to play with him.

"Gu Lingmo, come here, don't bother your mommy."

As soon as Gu Nuoxian opened his mouth, Gu Lingmo stopped talking immediately.

Ji Ruo is indeed very tired. She has been flying all the time, and she is exhausted. "Ruoruo, go to sleep for a while, and we will walk around tomorrow." The trip will last for 20 days, and they can have a good rest.

Ji Ruo didn't say much, just glanced at Gu Lingmo apologetically, and went back to her room under the leadership of the island resident and servant.


Gu Lingmo changed into a pair of swimming trunks, and dragged Gu Nuoxian to the beach.

"Daddy, teach me how to swim, okay?"

Gu Lingmo looked at the couple playing in the sea with longing.Gu Nuoxian squatted down and asked him, "Are you sure you want to learn to swim in the sea?"


Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes and said hello happily.

"Come on, I'll teach you!"

He raised Gu Lingmo, and Gu Lingmo cheered, but before his cheers fell completely, his people had already been thrown into the sea by Gu Nuoxian.


Gu Lingmo screamed in panic.

The sea water engulfed his small body.

He never learned how to swim, just kept splashing in the sea water.The two couples were too shocked to speak when they saw this scene. "Sir, you are abusing children!" Among the young couple, the lady couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but yell at Gu Nuoxian.

Gu Nuoxian gave her a cold look.His calm and prestige eyes surprised the couple at the same time.

"Daddy!" Gu Lingmo burst out of the sea water, and was swept inside again by the sea water.

He popped up again, "Help me!"

Gu Lingmo was so frightened that he wanted to cry, but when he opened his mouth, he would be poured by the sea water, so he didn't dare to cry loudly.

Gu Nuoxian crossed his arms and looked at him, until Gu Lingmo stopped shouting, then he jumped into the sea with a plop, easily found the little man, and successfully brought him back to the surface.

Gu Lingmo was lying on the beach, his eyes squinted, and he kept spitting out of his mouth.After spitting out the water in his stomach, he just got up, hugged Gu Nuoxian's neck suddenly, and cried loudly. "Wow! Daddy, I thought you don't want me anymore!"

Gu Nuoxian raised his eyebrows in surprise, put his arms around his back, and asked him: "Didn't you say you want to learn swimming?"

Gu Lingmo blinked, but what he wanted was not this kind of study!

"I... I don't study anymore!"

Gu Lingmo is a good learner, he definitely inadvertently angered Gu Nuoxian again, this wicked man is waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on him!Gu Nuoxian frowned, "Okay, go back!" He carried the limp little man on his shoulders and walked towards the villa.

Gu Lingmo knew in his heart that he should be afraid of this man now, but at the moment when he was thrown into the sea by Gu Nuoxian, in his small heart, he didn't hate or hate Gu Nuoxian except for the fear of the seawater. thoughts.

In his world, Gu Nuoxian is salvation.

(End of this chapter)

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