Chapter 584 Honeymoon Interesting Events Clothed Animals (2)
Ji Ruo: "..."

The whole world is so big, they met on Whitehaven Beach, one of the islands of the Whitsunday Islands...

"Miss Ji, long time no see." Xu Moan narrowed his blue eyes behind the sunglasses. At that time, Ji Ruo and Gu Nuoxian were married, and he was not optimistic about them.Now it seems that the life of the two is obviously very happy.

He couldn't help but look at Ji Ruo with admiration.

Ji Ruo also nodded to him, and said, "Long time no see." She was silent for a while, and then said, "What a coincidence." Xu Mo'an pushed his sunglasses and replied softly, "Yes, what a coincidence. I didn't expect me to come You can also meet acquaintances on vacation.”

Gu Nuoxian looked away, thinking that Xu Mo'an was farting.

Song Yu and Gu Lingmo stared wide-eyed and ignored Xu Mo'an.

There was a surfboard standing beside Gu Nuoxian, Xu Mo'an took off his sunglasses and asked him, "Is there any activity here?"

Gu Nuoxian nodded, "Go surfing, do you want to go together?"

Xu Mo'an looked at Song Yu, "Xiao Yu, do you want to play?"

Song Yu shook his head, "Surfing is boring, I want to ride a motorboat." Compared with surfing, he prefers the excitement brought by motorboats.Ji Ruo's eyes lit up, "Assistant Song, can you take me with you?" Ji Ruo also had an adventurous little Ji Ruo in her heart, and when she heard that Song Yu was going to play a motorboat, her hands were itchy.

A group of people looked at Ji Ruo in surprise.

Gu Nuoxian looked at the surfboard in his hand, and suddenly wanted to get a motorboat.

Unexpectedly, Song Yu readily agreed.

"Okay, I remember there are motorboats for rent and sale over there, let's go!" Song Yu turned to the place where the motorboats were rented and sold expressionlessly, Ji Ruo kissed Gu Lingmo, under Gu Nuoxian's eyes full of resentment , Pidianpidian ran away with Song Yu.

Gu Nuoxian hit Xu Mo'an's calf with a surfboard, "Your Xiaoyu abducted my wife..."

Xu Moan shrugged innocently, "Why didn't your daughter-in-law abduct my little Yu?"

Gu Lingmo watched the two big men bickering, and said silently: "Couldn't it be that Mommy and Uncle Song abandoned the two of you?"

As soon as this remark came out, two cold, cold lights immediately shot at Gu Lingmo.

Gu Lingmo trembled, covered his mouth quickly and shook his head.

He said the wrong thing again.

Xu Mo'an found a surfboard. He carried the surfboard to the shallow sea and went deep into the sea. He floated in the sea with his hands. When he reached the surfing height, he jumped and stood on the surfboard.Different from his elegant and handsome appearance, Xu Mo'an became bold and lively while playing surfing.

Gu Nuoxian also slid the surfboard, and when he stood on the surfboard, he clapped his hands to Gu Lingmo, "Come on!"

Gu Lingmo thought that his father would not care about him anymore, but now seeing Gu Nuoxian waving at him, he immediately grinned stupidly, then quickly stepped into the sea and climbed onto the surfboard.Gu Nuoxian hugged the little man on his shoulders and put it away, squatting down slowly and sliding the sea water with his hands.

When the surfboard came to the edge of the wave, Gu Nuoxian hugged Gu Lingmo with one hand, and his movements were as light as a petrel, facing the waves recklessly on the sea level.


"Boss Xu, I'll give you a toy!"

Gu Nuoxian roared forward.

Xu Mo'an looked at him sideways, walking along the waves, the sea water slapped on him, soaking his khaki casual shirt, revealing his strong body inside.Xu Mo'an blinked and smiled viciously, "Come on!"

Just as Gu Lingmo heard Xu Mo'an say something, the next second, he was thrown forward by Gu Nuoxian as a toy.

"Ah! Daddy!"

Gu Lingmo screamed in shock, his voice was so ear-piercing that it could penetrate the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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